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Wenstrup Votes Against Politics as Usual in Washington

Friday, Representative Wenstrup voted against politics as usual in Washington and to hold the Obama administration responsible for playing politics with American air travel.

"For months, President Obama and his cabinet have insisted on playing politics with deficit reduction instead of seeking real solutions. Now, when their games threaten national commerce, they demand we pass a quick fix instead of addressing the root problem of bloated budgets. We cannot continually pass carve outs for specific groups, and my vote is a stand to insist the federal government make smart budget reductions.

Somehow, for an agency whose budget has increased 30 percent over the last decade, a 5 percent budget cut grinds our air travel system to a halt. Inexplicably, the FAA admits they never sought flexibility in spending or proposed an alternative solution, further highlighting that these flight delays are another piece of Obama’s politics as usual. Taxpayers and air traffic controllers deserve better."