Tuesday, September 29, 2015 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
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Iran: A Global Threat

WATCH: I recently spoke out on the House floor against the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

Like a majority of Americans, I believe that the Iran Nuclear Agreement is a bad deal for the United States and for the world. Not only does this deal leave behind four American hostages, it threatens to further destabilize the Middle East and further threaten our national security and that of our allies. To clearly outline the opposition to this deal, the House of Representatives voted on three separate bills earlier this month:   
  • A resolution declaring President Obama has not met his obligation to provide Congress with the text of the entire deal, violating Section 2 of the Iran Nuclear Review Act (H.Res. 411).
  • A bill to suspend the President's authority to lift sanctions on Iran until January 21, 2017 (H.R. 3460).
  • Lastly, the House defeated a bill to approve of the Iran Nuclear Agreement (H.R. 3461)

Defending the Sanctity of Life
As a father and citizen, I find it appalling that organizations like Planned Parenthood can exhibit such a callous disregard for life, dissecting and discarding human fetuses with casual indifference. I was proud to support two House bills last week that reinforce the sanctity of human life and provide protection to some of the most vulnerable members of our society: 

Unfortunately, we have seen similar pro-life legislation fail in the Senate, falling short of the required 60 vote threshold.
Featured Cosponsorship
 H.R. 702 - To lift the ban on crude oil exports.

Featured Policy Letter
Letter to President Obama on Freedom of Navigation in the South China Sea

Have a bill or letter you would like me to support?
Let me know here.

More Ways to Connect

Battling the Heroin Epidemic
One of the first issues the House of Representatives tackled this month is the ever-growing opioid epidemic across the U.S. We passed two bipartisan bills that would support state prescription drug monitoring programs, like OARRS in Ohio, and better treat and prevent prenatal opioid abuse and neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS).

Ohio's Second District is no stranger to the devastating consequences of drug addiction. Together with our state and local governments, I am committed to fighting this deadly epidemic and protecting our children, families, and communities. 
Piketon Plant Update
Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) announced its decision to end the American Centrifuge Test Demonstration and Operation contract at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Piketon. Despite Congress' repeated prioritization and full funding of this project, as well as the national security implications, the DoE walked away from this longstanding investment and blindsided our region with another broken promise.

This administration has unnecessarily inflicted more pain and uncertainty on the hardworking people of Pike County and Southern Ohio. The Ohio delegation will not stop working towards solutions to keep the region working on this important project. On Friday, I will be spending the day meeting with community stakeholders in Pike County for an update on what we're doing in Washington and a dialogue on our next steps to fight the DoE decision.

Join the Conversation
Listening to you is an important part of my job. Whether it's through one-on-one meetings or Coffees with your Congressman, offering your insight helps me better represent Ohio's Second District in the halls of Congress.

Another way to connect is through live and free telephone townhalls. These are great opportunities to hear about what's happening in Washington, ask questions on issues that matter to you, and participate in surveys on the top news of the day, all from your phone. I hope you'll join the conversation!

Sign up here to be included in future telephone townhalls.

A Visit from Pope Francis
Last week, Pope Francis made history as the first pontiff to address a Joint Meeting of Congress in his role as Head of State of the Holy See. As a Catholic myself, I found his remarks refreshing and much-needed on Capitol Hill.

out this article in The Catholic Telegraph and my interview on Sacred Heart Radio for a recap of the pope's visit.

If you missed the pope's address, you can watch it here.

Congrats! Ohio Principal of the Year

I'm pictured here with Jeff and his wife, Lindsey
Congratulations to Chillicothe High School Principal Jeff Fisher on being selected Ohio's High School Principal of the Year!

Each year, the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators and the National Association of Secondary School Principals recognize an Ohio high school principal for their outstanding leadership and public service. Since 2010, Principal Fisher has led by example, and has given his students a model to follow. I thank him for all his hard work and dedication to Ohio's next generation.
Constituent Survey
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