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House Republicans disagree with the way our country is headed. So we're proposing a better way.

This past week, we started rolling out our plan to address some of the major issues facing our nation:                                             
  • Poverty - Many Americans are trapped in a cycle of poverty. To break that cycle, we need to reward work, tailor government assistance to meet people's unique needs, and demand results from our government programs. 
  • National Security - The world is safer when America leads. That means taking the fight to our enemies, securing our homeland, and building a 21st century military ready to face the threats of today and tomorrow.
  • Economy - Although the government doesn't create jobs, there are steps Congress can take to foster a climate that encourages businesses to grow and hire. This plan offers ways to ensure that America is the best place to live, work, and start a business. 
  • Healthcare - It's clear that ObamaCare is not the answer for our nation's healthcare system. Our plan seeks to keep the government out of the doctor-patient relationship, give individuals more control over their healthcare decisions, and reduce costs for both patients and taxpayers.
  • Tax Reform - The current tax code is a Rubik's cube that Americans spend six billion hours—and $160 billion—each year trying to solve. House Republicans want to simplify the tax code and make it more fair for all Americans.
  • Constitutional Authority - Executive overreach and regulation without legislation is running rampant. We need to restore legislative power to "We the People" in Congress where it rightfully belongs.
 For more details ,visit  
Protecting the Taxpayers
House passes legislation preventing taxpayer bailout of Puerto Rico
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Last week, the House of Representatives voted to prevent a taxpayer bailout for Puerto Rico and put the island on a path to fiscal responsibility and economic growth.

The PROMESA Act (H.R. 5278), which I supported, would create an oversight board for Puerto Rico that has the authority to enforce balanced budgets and government reform. It would also establish a framework for Puerto Rico to fairly restructure its unpayable debts.

Although I would like to have seen more conservative reforms included in the bill, the PROMESA Act would prevent Puerto Rico's economic crisis from becoming a humanitarian emergency, without forcing U.S. taxpayers to foot the bill.

To learn more about the bill, check out this statement from the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste.
OH2 Spotlight: CTRH
During the District Work Period at the beginning of this month, I visited the Cincinnati Therapeutic Riding and Horsemanship (CTRH) stables to learn more about their operations. Since 1985, CTRH has been serving both children and adults with a variety of disabilities, like autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and more. That includes my niece Katie, who suffers from a rare genetic disorder called CDKL5. They even serve local veterans struggling with PTSD and other mental health issues.

Thanks to everyone at CTRH for the good work you're doing in OH2!
Celebrating Flag Day - June 14
WATCH: My thoughts on the history of our nation's flag.

As we prepare to celebrate Flag Day on June 14, check out my latest tribute to Old Glory above.

A Special Visit
Last Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Republic of India addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. He talked about international cooperation between the U.S. and India, especially when it comes to trade and national security.

You can watch his entire speech here.                                                         

Pictured with FFA members from Hillsboro
Future Farmers of America
It was great spending time with the Hillsboro Future Farmers of America last week! I have no doubt these young leaders will do great things for our community and for our country.

If you'd like to catch up with me in Washington, D.C. or in OH2, tweet me @RepBradWenstrup.
Visiting D.C.?
Are you planning a trip to our nation's capital this summer? My office can help you schedule tours of the U.S. Capitol Building, the Library of Congress, and more. 

Visit my website for more information and to request your tours today!

Pictured with the Listermann family
outside my office
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