Tuesday, April 19, 2016 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
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Securing Our Borders
House passes H.R. 4482, H.R. 4403 to strengthen homeland security
Coming back from our District Work Period, the House of Representatives passed 2 bills last week aimed at protecting America's borders:

Additional legislation passed by the House includes:
To view the House's legislative schedule, please visit www.majorityleader.gov.
Featured Cosponsorship
H. Con. Res. 105, expressing disagreement to the Paris Agreement on climate change

Featured Policy Letter
Letter opposing unrelated green energy tax breaks in FAA reauthorization bill

Have a bill or letter you would like me to support?
Let me know here.

More Ways to Connect

Employing America's Heroes
Earlier this month, I participated in the Volunteers of America's (VOA) panel discussion on veterans' employment alongside other regional veterans' advocates in Cincinnati. Our discussion touched on ways employers can hire and retain veterans, how veterans can better market their skills to employers, how we can help veterans involved in the criminal justice system, and more.

As Chairman of the House VA Committee's Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity, I found this discussion very informative. I hope we can translate these ideas into action!

Pictured here at the VOA panel discussion on veterans' employment 
Visiting with Students

It was great catching up with students from St. Xavier High School, St. Thomas More School, St. Bernadette School, and Huntington High School over the past couple weeks. I always enjoy opportunities to meet and talk with young Ohioans across the Second District!

If you're a student and want me to visit with your class (either at home or in Washington, D.C.), tweet me @RepBradWenstrup.

Innovation in Medicine
Last week, I joined fellow doctors and other health care professionals at a summit on biologics and biosimilars, a fascinating development in the world of medicine that could increase access to treatment and reduce healthcare costs for patients. In my remarks, I touched on the important roles doctors, Congress, and the FDA will play in bringing biologics to the market while ensuring patient safety.

Telephone Townhall
Thank you to everyone who participated in my Telephone Townhall event last Thursday evening! Hearing your thoughts and feedback helps me better represent Ohio's Second District in Congress.

If you would like to be included in our next Telephone Townhall, click here to add your name to our call list. 
Behind-the Scenes: Restoring the Capitol Dome
If you've visited Washington, D.C. recently, you probably saw all the scaffolding around the Capitol Dome. For the last two years, the Dome has been undergoing some repairs for cracks and deficiencies caused by age and weather. But now, the scaffolding is finally coming down!  

Watch the video above for a behind-the-scenes look at the restoration project with Speaker Paul Ryan. 
Constituent Survey
Do you think the federal government should engage more with local communities to combat the drug epidemic?
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