Friday, April 29, 2016 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
Our Debt Demands Action

Mr. John Smith
123 Main Street
Anywhere, Ohio 12345

Total due: $60,000

Please make checks payable to
the United States Department of Treasury.

Imagine opening your mail to find this bill for $60,000 from the federal government. It seems far-fetched, doesn't it?

Actually that's about how much each American citizen would currently have to pay in order to eliminate our national debt.

If that number isn't scary enough, think about what the bill will be for our children and grandchildren, the ones who will ultimately suffer the consequences of this generation's reckless spending.

When I look at my two-year-old son, I can't help but think: when he's an adult, what will his America look like? Will it be weaker and less prosperous than the one we inherited from past generations? 

The answer to that question is undoubtedly "yes," if we stay on our current path of fiscal irresponsibility.

  Continue reading my latest op-ed on our national debt here.  
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