Tuesday, March 22, 2016 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
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The Vacancy on the Bench: My Thoughts
Last week, President Obama announced that he will nominate federal appeals judge Merrick Garland to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left with Justin Antonin Scalia's passing.

The Constitution gives him that power. But the same document gives the Senate equal power not to act on his nomination.

Senator McConnell and other Senate Republicans have already decided that they will not act to fill the Court's vacancy until our new president takes office in January 2017, and I support that decision. The American voters deserve a say in shaping the direction of the Court and filling this lifetime appointment, one that is likely to have a generational impact on the Supreme Court and the nation.

Whoever ends up sitting on the bench, it's important that he/she, like Justice Scalia, strictly defend the Constitution and uphold the rule of law. The American people deserve nothing less.
House Happenings
House passes legislation addressing Syria, ISIS, executive overreach
Here's a look at some of the legislation passed by the House last week:
  • H. Res. 639 - Next month, the Supreme Court will hear arguments for United States v. Texas, a case challenging just one recent example of the president's overreach: his executive orders on immigration. To bolster the case against the president's action, the House passed H. Res. 639, a resolution that allows Speaker Paul Ryan to submit an amicus brief to the Court defending Congress' Article I powers under the Constitution.
  • SENSE Act (H.R. 3797) - Ensures that coal refuse-to-energy facilities, put at risk by EPA rules, can continue to operate and perform environmentally-beneficial cleanup activities across the country.
Featured Policy Letter
Cosigned Congressman Mike Kelly's letter on funding for the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)

Have a bill or letter you would like me to support?
Let me know here.

More Ways to Connect

Homes for Our Heroes
I recently had the honor of speaking at the grand opening of Parkway Apartments, a complex that will provide affordable housing for many of our local veterans.

Unfortunately, veteran homelessness is a serious issue across the United States, and in our own backyard. As a veteran myself, I'm grateful to all of the local officials and community partners who have banded together to give back to our nation's heroes in a very meaningful way.
Pictured with local officials and business leaders for the grand opening of Parkway Apartments, affordable housing for our local veterans.
PoliticKING with Larry King
WATCH: I joined Larry King on his show "PoliticKING"
to talk about the president's plan to close GITMO

Earlier this month, I joined Larry King to talk about the president's plan to close GITMO and transfer detainees to the U.S. 

Not only is this plan incredibly dangerous, but it's also against the law. Bottom line, Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility is a critical element to our fight against terrorists. 

Listen to my full remarks in the video above.
School Visits
During this month's District Work Period, I stopped by government classes at Amelia High School and Withrow High School to talk about our nation's government and current issues facing our country. I also had the chance to catch up with some students from McNicholas High School during their Close Up Foundation trip to Washington, D.C. It's always great to hear from young people about the issues that matter most to them!

Are you a student and want me to stop by your class? Tweet me @RepBradWenstrup!
Pictured here with students from Withrow High School (top), Amelia High School (left), and McNicholas High School (right)

Are you or someone you know interested in attending a U.S. Service Academy? Come to my annual Academy Day on Saturday, April 2, to learn more about each of the Academies, as well as the nomination process.

There will be two identical sessions this year, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Each session will consist of an Academy Fair, followed by a formal presentation.

Representatives from the following schools will be on hand to answer questions: U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, Merchant Marine Academy, and Coast Guard Academy.

For more details, visit my website: www.Wenstrup.House.gov.
2016 Congressional Art Competition
Submissions from the 2015 Art Competition
Calling all high school artists!

Each spring, the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art competition to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and in each congressional district. I invite all high school students in Ohio's 2nd District to participate!

Students may submit their artwork to one of my district offices in Cincinnati or Peebles no later than 5pm on Friday, April 15.

Artwork related to the State of Ohio, American history, and the spirit of American exceptionalism is encouraged!

For a complete list of rules and regulations, please visit www.Wenstrup.House.gov/art.
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