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Preventing a Bad Iran Deal

After months of negotiations and several missed deadlines, the U.S. and five other nations reached a nuclear deal with Iran earlier this month. While the President and his administration tout this "historic opportunity," I have serious concerns that this agreement actually spells more trouble for the Middle East. Here are just a few reasons why: 
  • Iran is not required to dismantle nuclear facilities and technology. ​Under the negotiated terms, Iran can continue to conduct nuclear research and development. Even former Obama officials admitted that "the agreement will not prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons capability."
  • "Anytime, anywhere" inspections of suspect nuclear sites are not included. ​​Despite repeated assurances from the Obama administration that inspectors would have "anytime, anywhere, 24/7 access," the deal gives Iran 24 days before it is compelled to give inspectors access to a suspected site. This gives Iran plenty of time to cover up evidence of nuclear work.
  • Sanctions relief can help finance global terror organizations. Iran is the #1 state sponsor of terrorism worldwide. With nearly $150 billion in freed-up assets from sanctions relief, Iran can continue to fund terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.

Click here to read more about the key shortcomings of this agreement.

  As of today, Congress has 52 days to vote on the negotiated terms. Rest assured, I will not support a bad deal for the American people and the global community at large. No deal is better than a bad one.  

Legislative Update
House passes important legislation before the District Work Period
The House has been hard at work, passing important legislation before we adjourn for the August District Work Period. Here are just a few of the bills we passed last week:
Featured Cosponsorship
H. Res. 367
Expressing disapproval of Iran Deal

  Have a bill or letter you would like me to support?
Let me know here.

More Ways to Connect

 Congress: "Behind the Scenes"
Follow me on Instagram: @RepBradWenstrup
Want to catch a glimpse of the inner workings of Congress? With Instagram, I'm able to take you behind the scenes and give you a closer look at my day-to-day work in the House of Representatives and across the Second District.

Don't have an Instagram account? Click here to sign up for free. And be sure to
follow me @RepBradWenstrup!

Putting Our Veterans First

I joined MSNBC's Jose Diaz-Balart to talk about continued VA reform.
More than a year has passed since news of VA mismanagement and corruption first broke. But while these issues have largely disappeared from the headlines, the House Veterans' Affairs Committee continues working to ensure all our nation's veterans receive the quality healthcare they have earned. Click on the video above to hear my comments on VA reform, and check out some of the legislation we're working on right now in the VA Committee:

Respecting the Fallen
Early last week, Congressional leadership ordered all flags at the Capitol to be flown at half-mast, honoring the 5 servicemembers who were recently killed in a senseless act of terror.

Monica and I continue to offer our prayers for these men, their families and friends, and for all our servicemembers both here and abroad.

 The flag flew at half-staff atop the Capitol Building on Tuesday to honor the five servicemen who died in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Constituent Survey
Should Planned Parenthood continue to receive federal funding? 

Earlier this month, the Center for Medical Progress released two secretly-filmed videos that show Planned Parenthood executives discussing the organization's treatment of fetuses, including fetal organ harvesting.

In light of these videos, do you believe Planned Parenthood should continue to receive federal funds? 

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