Thursday August 27, 2015 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
A Dangerous Deal
Earlier this month, I traveled to Israel with fellow Members of Congress to meet with leaders of one of our closest allies and better understand the current situation in the region. Our meetings included time with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Reuven Rivlin, opposition leader Isaac Herzog, and Palestinian leaders, as well as tours of defense facilities and historical sites.

One overriding concern appeared again and again: the possibility of a strengthened Iran in a dangerous region. An Iran infused with hundreds of billions of dollars from lifted sanctions will be free to fund the terrorist activities of groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. A nuclear Iran tips the balance of power and will ignite a nuclear arms race across the region.

Like 57% of Americans, I have serious concerns about the details of this deal, and the dangerous consequences it poses.

   Five Troubling Elements of the Iran Nuclear Agreement:

1) Key provisions of the deal sunset in just 10-15 years. Although 367 Members of Congress demanded a deal lasting multiple decades, the essential restrictions on Iran's bomb-making technology will expire in 10-15 years. After this short amount of time, Iran would be on the fast track to a nuclear weapon.

2) Iran is not required to dismantle nuclear facilities and technology. Under the negotiated terms, Iran can continue to conduct nuclear research and development. Even former Obama officials admitted that "the agreement will not prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons capability."

3) "Anytime, anywhere" inspections of suspect nuclear sites are not included. Despite repeated assurances from the Obama administration that inspectors would have "anytime, anywhere, 24/7 access," the deal gives Iran 24 days before it is compelled to give inspectors access to a suspected site. This gives Iran plenty of time to cover up evidence of nuclear work. Reports of a side deal have also surfaced, indicating that Iran would be able to self-inspect their Parchin military site.

4) Sanctions relief can help finance global terror organizations. Iran is the #1 state sponsor of terrorism worldwide. With nearly $150 billion in freed-up assets from sanctions relief, Iran can continue to fund terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.

5) This deal will further destabilize the turbulent Middle East. Amid threats of a nuclear-capable Iran with billions of dollars in newly freed-up assets, neighboring countries are preparing for the worst. Saudi Arabia, for example, has already threatened to start building their own nuclear program to counter Iran's.


Even America's top military brass are troubled by this deal. In a letter to House and Senate leadership dated August 25, 2015, 190 retired generals and admirals expressed their concerns over the negotiated terms:

   "[t]his agreement will enable Iran to become far more dangerous, render the Mideast still more unstable and introduce new threats to American interests as well as our allies. In our professional opinion, far from  being an alternative to war, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action makes it likely that the war the Iranian regime has waged against us since 1979 will continue, with far higher risks to our national security interests."  
Click here to read the entire text of the letter.

Let me know where you stand:

Do you approve of the Obama Administration's negotiations with Iran on uranium enrichment?

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