Sunday, August 23, 2015 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
Congress At Work
In the first seven months of the 114th Congress,  the House of Representatives has been hard at work to bring real, effective solutions to the issues facing our nation. From national security to healthcare, the House has passed 190 solutions-focused bills to ensure a more effective, sustainable, and transparent government for Americans today and generations to come.

Take a look at some of this year's highlights:

Growing the Economy

Discussing EPA regulations with employees at the DP&L plant in Wrightsville
Our economy grows from the bottom up, when you are empowered to make decisions without government interference.

The House has passed a number of bills to remove the burden of government from your daily life:
  • REINS Act (H.R. 427) - Requires Congress to approve all new major regulations from the executive branch.

Keeping America Safe
We live in a dangerous world. New threats are constantly emerging; I see it firsthand on the House Intelligence Committee.

This year, the House has passed critical national security legislation to ensure the safety of all Americans:
  • Iran Nuclear Review Act (S. 615) - Gives Congress the power to review and accept/deny the Iran Nuclear Agreement. I oppose the Iran deal and plan to vote in disapproval.
  • USA FREEDOM Act (H.R. 2048) - Limits and restricts NSA authorizations, balancing the need for enhanced security with your constitutional rights.

  Defending Our Values
We must continue to stand for our core American values in the 21st Century. From serving our veterans, to protecting the unborn, to helping seniors, the House of Representatives is committed to defending what we hold dear.

Here are the few of the bills we've passed this year to uphold that commitment:

  Holding Government Accountable
Ours is a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." The American people deserve a government that is transparent, accountable, and responsive to taxpayers.

The House has passed a number of measures to keep government in check:

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