Friday, November 11, 2016 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
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Today is our country's official day to celebrate and thank our veterans for their selfless service to the United States. Across America, communities host Veterans Day events at schools, churches, and community centers to remember those who have died for our freedom and to thank those who live among us, who served in our Armed Forces so that we may be safe here at home.

I believe that every day is Veterans Day, because it is every day that our men and women who have served feel the effects of their time at war and the memories that will be with them forever. It is every day that we remember our children, husbands, wives, mother, fathers, sisters, and brothers, who we lost in the hands of our enemies. It is every day that we sit at home or at work, free to think and speak our minds, that we can thank a veteran for fighting to protect those rights.

Just a few days ago, America voted for the 45th President of the United States. I have faith that this will be an opportunity for our country to thank our veterans by continuing the fight to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs with this new administration. An improved, accountable health care system, where our veterans are put first, not administrators, would be the ultimate thank you to those who have put their lives on the line.

In your service,

Veterans Day Events
Below are a few events to honor our local veterans that I will be participating in. I hope to see you and any veterans you know there. If you have any questions about the details of these events, please call my office at (513) 474-7777.

Friday, November 11:

  • McNicholas High School: Veterans Day Ceremony and Breakfast
  • Sycamore Presbyterian Church: Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge Veterans Day Event
  • City Link Center: Tristate Veteran Community Alliance Veteran Reflections: A Night of Storytelling

Saturday, November 12:

  • UC Clermont College: Veterans Breakfast and Veterans ID card issuance for honorably discharged veterans.
Sunday, November 13
  • First Baptist Church of Glen Este: Veterans Day Service
  • Northminster Church Finneytown: Veterans Luncheon

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P: (513) 474-7777
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170 North Main St.
Peebles, OH 45660
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F: (937) 798-4024
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Cincinnati, OH 45245
P: (513) 605-1389