Thursday, January 19, 2017 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
Poll: What is Your Top Priority
For Our Nation in 2017?
Two weeks ago, the 115th Congress was sworn in for another term of serving the American people. Tomorrow, Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence will be sworn in as the President and the Vice President of the United States. Every change in administration offers an opportunity for new policy initiatives and priorities for the American people.

Question of the Week: What would you like to see as the first priority for the Trump Administration and the new Congress to start working on?

 [_] Repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act
 [_] Reforming the tax code
 [_] Addressing the regulations that are crippling job creators
 [_] Balancing the budget and addressing the national debt
 [_]Reforming Medicare to protect seniors and ensure its solvency for future generations
 [_] Holding the VA accountable and ensuring veterans get care
 [_] Approving the Keystone Pipeline
 [_] Other____________

Take the poll here.

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