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Responsibility and Reality: A Gun Ban Will Do More Harm Than Good 
Repeated terror attacks in our homeland have Americans on edge, and understandably so. The pain and concern are palpable. Since 2009, we have seen terror attacks in Little Rock, Fort Hood, Oklahoma, Boston, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, and now Orlando. We have also seen mass shootings in Colorado, Connecticut, and Charleston.

Some of these attacks were carried out with bombs and knives. In others, guns were used. But the obvious common threat running through all of them was this: mentally afflicted individuals and/or radical Islamic terrorists intended to, and did, inflict deadly carnage on innocent Americans.

From elected officials, to editorial boards, to individual Americans, there is an understandable desire to "do something" to stop the madness, the evil, that is surrounding us. As citizens and elected officials, we too want to "do something."

The question we, as a nation, must answer is what action, or actions, would be most effective.

Continue reading my joint op-ed with Congressman Steve Chabot (OH-1) here.
I want to hear your thoughts:

Do you think more gun laws
will stop terrorist attacks?

Addressing VA's Recruitment Challenges
Featured Cosponsorship
H. Res. 729 pledging continued military assistance to Israel

Featured Policy Letter
Letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy regarding the Clean Power Plan (CPP)

Have a bill or letter you would like me to support?
Let me know here.

More Ways to Connect
Last week, I introduced legislation (H.R. 5526) to enhance employee recruitment and retainment strategies at Veterans' Affairs (VA) medical centers.

Due to increasing demand, an aging workforce, and private sector competition, among other factors, the VA is facing a significant staff shortage. However, under current hiring processes, attracting highly-qualified candidates to fill these positions is a major challenge. These processes are often lengthy and/or inefficient, driving would-be employees to pursue opportunities elsewhere.

H.R. 5526 seeks to address these challenges in several ways:
  • Creates a single, system-wide database of vacant positions at the VA where eligible candidates can be considered for multiple jobs at once.
  • Codifies VA's "Pathway Program" to identify and recruit young talent.
  • Streamlines the process for reemploying good, former employees who voluntarily left the VA.
You can read more about H.R. 5526 here.
Coffee & Conversation
Thank you to everyone who came out to my recent Coffee With Your Congressman event in Hillsboro! I appreciate hearing your thoughts and feedback. It helps me better represent you in Congress.

If you weren't able to attend, but would like to share your thoughts with me, you can visit my website and send me an email.                                                         
Pictured with constituents at the Highland County Senior Center in Hillsboro
A Better Way: Restoring
Constitutional Balance
WATCH: My remarks on House Republicans' plan to restore Constitutional balance.

We're at a point in our history where a largely unconstitutional fourth branch of government has taken root: the unelected bureaucracy. This sprawling network of federal departments and agencies is churning out rules and regulations at an unprecedented pace.

These rules carry the force of law, but they've never been approved by Congress.

What happened to "We the People?"

House Republicans have put forward a better way to restore constitutional balance and put legislative power back where it belongs: in the hands of "We the People."

Learn more at
A Visit from SOPA
I had a great meeting with the Southern Ohio Port Authority last week! They're doing impressive work to improve our economy in the Second District.

I'm pictured here with Jason Kester, Gary Arnett, and Chris Manegold, the economic directors for Scioto, Pike, and Ross Counties.
Representing OH2 at Nationals' Park
Take me out to the ballgame!

I represented Ohio's Second District on Thursday night in the annual baseball game between Members of Congress.

The GOP beat the Democrats 8-7 after a 7-year losing streak!

Watch some highlights of the game here.                                      
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7954 Beechmont Ave, Suite 200
Cincinnati, OH 45255
P: (513) 474-7777
F: (513) 605-1377
170 North Main St.
Peebles, OH 45660
P: (513) 605-1380
F: (937) 798-4024
4350 Aicholtz Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45245
P: (513) 605-1389