Monday, August 22, 2016 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
Welfare Reform at 20:
A Better Way to Fight Poverty
 Chart depicting all existing federal welfare programs.
In 1996, Congress enacted the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. At the core of this bipartisan law was a work requirement that helped millions of welfare recipients transition out of poverty and into gainful employment.

But 20 years later, our welfare system has become a jumbled maze of duplicative federal programs that replace, not encourage work. We can thank the Obama Administration in part for this. Since 2013, the president has allowed states to waive the work requirement for all welfare recipients, even able-bodied adults.

We need to return to a system that empowers individuals through work, not one that traps them on the bottom rungs of the economic ladder. That's why House Republicans have released our plan for A Better Way to Fight Poverty, a plan that presents more than 40 bold, specific ideas to attack poverty at its roots and give all Americans the chance to pursue their American Dream. Read my recent blog to learn more about House Republicans' ideas to restore our welfare system and get Americans back to work. 

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