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A Better Way to Fight

In his 1964 State of the Union Address, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a "War on Poverty." Yet 52 years and trillions of dollars later, census data shows that the official poverty rate in 2014 (14.8%) was no better than it was in 1966 (14.7%). It's time for a better way.

As part of our larger Better Way agenda, House Republicans have put forward ideas to eliminate the cycle of poverty by rewarding work, tailoring government assistance to meet individuals' unique needs, and demanding results from our welfare programs.                                            
In the fight against poverty, OH2 is setting an example to follow:
Nehemiah Manufacturing
Right here in Cincinnati, Nehemiah Manufacturing is a perfect example of how private businesses can help create jobs, reduce poverty, and change lives in the process. They're committed to hiring individuals who need a second chance in life. I visited last month to learn more about their mission and their operations.
I recently stopped by an OhioMeansJobs site in Clermont County. They offer all kinds of services for both job seekers and employers across Ohio, like career planning advice, job training programs, and tips for finding talented job candidates. You can access their website here.
Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority
The Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) is also doing great work to break the cycle of poverty in southwest Ohio. Not only do they provide affordable housing, CMHA also partners with employers to help individuals find jobs, provides job training opportunities, and helps former inmates reintegrate into society.
Improving Mental Healthcare
America is facing a mental healthcare crisis. Too many people suffering from mental health disorders are falling through the cracks and not receiving the treatment they need. Last week, the House passed the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act (H.R. 2646), the most significant reform to our nation's mental healthcare system in decades. I was proud to cosponsor this bill, which would remove some of the common barriers for those seeking help and treatment.

You can read more about the bill here.

The House also passed:
  • Senior$afe Act of 2016 (H.R. 4538) - Would protect financial institutions and advisors from liability if they disclose predatory and fraudulent activity, making it easier to report financial abuse of the elderly.
Featured Sponsorship
H.R. 5526 - To improve the authority of the VA Secretary to hire and retain physicians at the VA

Featured Policy Letter
Letter to FBI Director James Comey questioning decision not to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton

Have a bill or letter you would like me to support?
Let me know here.

More Ways to Connect

Telephone Townhall
Thank you to everyone who participated in my telephone townhall last Thursday night! Listening to you is very helpful to me, and I appreciate the chance to discuss current issues and legislation with you.

If you were not able to participate last week, be on the lookout for details about my next telephone townhall.

In Case You Missed It: Media Recap
Joined Brian Thomas in studio to talk about House Republicans' Better Way plan, Benghazi, the VA, and more.  
Joined Local 12's Paula Toti from Capitol Hill to talk about the FBI's recommendation not to indict Secretary Clinton.  
Joined Matt Hilderbrand at C103 in West Union to talk about everything from poverty to healthcare to Ohio's drug epidemic. 
 Intern for OH2!

Last week I joined our summer interns in the Second District for some coffee and donuts.

Pictured from left to right: (Back Row) Alex Hunter (University of St. Andrews), RJ Bradley (Furman University), Dan Sonnefeld (Ohio State University), Billy Ray (UC College of Law)
(Front Row) Sarah McFarland (Peebles High School), Kacy Robbins (Eastern Kentucky University), Mollie Rouan (Wake Forest University), and Kelsey Clinton (Vanderbilt University)

Not pictured: Emily Martin (College of William and Mary) and John Wenk (George Washington University)

We're now accepting applications for fall internships in my Cincinnati, Peebles, and Washington, D.C. offices. Visit my website to learn more and apply today!
Need Help with a Federal Agency?
One of the most important things I do as your U.S. Representative is help residents of Ohio's Second District with problems that they may encounter with federal government agencies, such as the VA, Social Security Administration, or Passport Services. Although I cannot override the decisions made by a federal agency, I can often intervene to ask questions, find solutions or cut through the red tape.

Please visit my website for more information.
Constituent Survey
Based on the facts presented, do you think Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted for her use of a private email server as Secretary of State? 

NOTE: Please DO NOT respond to this email as this inbox is unattended. To contact my office please click here
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Washington, DC 20515
P: (202) 225-3164
F: (202) 225-1992
7954 Beechmont Ave, Suite 200
Cincinnati, OH 45255
P: (513) 474-7777
F: (513) 605-1377
170 North Main St.
Peebles, OH 45660
P: (513) 605-1380
F: (937) 798-4024
4350 Aicholtz Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45245
P: (513) 605-1389