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District Work Period
For the past few weeks, Members of Congress have been back in their home states for the August District Work Period. I have met one-on-one with constituents, stopped by local businesses, hosted roundtables with local Chambers of Commerce, visited community leaders and more. Here's a snapshot of some of the stops I've made around OH2:

Combating Ohio's Opioid Epidemic
Communities coming together to defeat drug abuse

Featured Cosponsorship
Firearm Due Process Protection Act (HR 4980) 

Featured Policy Letter
 Condolence Letter for the Dallas Police Department

Have a bill or letter you would like me to support?
Let me know here.

More Ways to Connect

In my travels around the 2nd District, I've seen an outpouring of community support to help combat the opioid epidemic in our region.   

In Seaman, I joined Sheriff Kimmy Rogers' Bootcamp to 'Give Drugs the Boot' at Church 180. This program teaches kids at a young age about the dangers of drugs and the lifelong effects it can have on them, their family, and friends.

You can read more about my visit and the program in The People's Defender
In Clermont County, I visited the Community Alternative Sentencing Center (CASC), a sentencing option for men who have been convicted of drug or alcohol misdemeanors. This life-saving and life-changing program offers classes about the dangers of drug abuse, the opportunities and jobs waiting for these men after their sentence, and the training, resources, and skills needed for a job.

Read more about my visit in the The Clermont Sun.
A Better Way for Businesses
During this District Work Period I've participated in two business roundtables, one with leaders in the Blue Ash area and one with the Clermont County Chamber of Commerce. All of the folks I talked to at these roundtables know firsthand the negative effects of the federal government's red tape, so we discussed House Republicans' ideas to curb needless and harmful regulations and promote a pro-business environment. You can read more about our Better Way plan here.
Pictured here with members of the Clermont County Chamber of Commerce
Coffee With Your Congressman
Chatting with a constituent at Everything Bagels in Clermont County 
So far during the District Work Period, I've hosted three "Coffee with your Congressman" events, one in Clermont County, one in Hamilton County, and one in Brown County. I really enjoy hearing what's on your mind and what you want to see happen in Congress. Thank you to all who attended these past two events!
Summer Fun in Lockland
Last month I stopped by the Lockland Presbyterian Church to check out their Summer Program, which offers classes and activities for kids of all ages in the surrounding community. Pastor Dawne Sarchet and her incredible group of volunteers dedicate everything they have to make this program possible, and it's clear to see that their passion has a very positive impact on the next generation.    
 Pictured here with some of the summer program participants

Talking with staff at Corvac Composites
Business Visits
 Last month I stopped by the Corvac Composite Manufacturing plant in Greenfield to tour the site and learn more about their operations. An auto industry supplier, Corvac is expected to bring almost 200 jobs to our community.

Special thanks to JobsOhio, the Appalachian Partnership for Economic Growth (APEG), Highland County Economic Development, and Greenfield officials and council members for their hard work in bringing Corvac to the Second District.                                                      
I also toured L-3
Pictured with staff at the L-3 plant
Cincinnati Electronics plant in Mason. L-3 started out as a small radio company and has grown into a business that provides high-technology and engineering services to a variety of clientele, including the U.S. military.

As a member of the House Committee on Armed Services, I was interested to see what L-3 does for the military community and how it is affected by defense legislation in Congress, like the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that we passed earlier this year.                                                                                 
Intern for OH2
My office is still accepting applications for fall internships in both Washington, D.C. and Ohio.

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in interning for Ohio's Second District, visit my website to learn more and apply today!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of my offices:
Washington, D.C.: (202) 225-3164
Cincinnati: (513) 474-7777
Peebles: (513) 605-1380
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1318 Longworth H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515
P: (202) 225-3164
F: (202) 225-1992
7954 Beechmont Ave, Suite 200
Cincinnati, OH 45255
P: (513) 474-7777
F: (513) 605-1377
170 North Main St.
Peebles, OH 45660
P: (513) 605-1380
F: (937) 798-4024
4350 Aicholtz Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45245
P: (513) 605-1389