Tuesday, April 5, 2016 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
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2016 Academy Day
To see more photos, click here
This past Saturday, I hosted my annual Academy Day for high school students who are interested in attending one of the U.S.  service academies after graduation. Representatives from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy, and the Merchant Marine Academy came to both Chillicothe High School and Anderson High School to share information about their schools and answer questions.

Overall, we had about 50 students come to learn more about opportunities at the academies! I sincerely thank everyone who spread the word and helped make the day a great success!

If you weren't able to join us on Saturday, you can get more information about the academies, as well as the nomination process, by visiting my website or calling my office at (513) 474-7777.
Remembering Those Who Serve
House passes H.R. 1670,  H.R. 4336 to honor our nation's heroes
Wrapping up the month of March, the House of Representatives passed 2 bills to ensure that our military veterans are properly respected and remembered:
To see what bills we're voting on, visit the Majority Leader's website at www.majorityleader.gov and click on "House Schedule."

Have a bill or letter you would like me to support?
Let me know here.

More Ways to Connect

"Hanging Out" with New Richmond High School
Recently, I joined New Richmond High School students in their classroom for a Google Hangout video chat all the way from Washington, D.C.

We talked about everything from my work in Congress, to government spending, to Ohio's drug epidemic. As always, the students asked some great questions.

I'm looking forward to trying out this new technology with other schools and connecting with more young people across the Second District!

Are you a student or teacher and want me to chat with your class? Tweet me @RepBradWenstrup!
Chatting with New Richmond High School students using Google Hangout

Spring Break in D.C.
I want to give a big "thank you" to all the families who stopped by my office for a Capitol tour during their Spring Break! I hope you enjoyed your time in Washington, D.C.

If you are planning a trip to our nation's capital, my office can help you schedule tours of the Capitol Building, the White House, the Library of Congress, and more. Call (202) 225-3164 or fill out our tour request form online.
2016 Congressional Art Competition
Submissions from the 2015 Art Competition
The deadline for high school students to enter the 2016 Congressional Art Competition is fast approaching!

Students must submit their original, two-dimensional artwork to my district office in Cincinnati or Peebles by Friday, April 15, at 5:00pm.

Artwork related to the State of Ohio, American history, and the spirit of American exceptionalism is encouraged!

A panel of three judges will determine first, second, and third place winners among the submissions, alongside a "viewer's choice" determined by online voting. The first place winner will have his/her artwork displayed in the U.S. Capitol for the next year and will receive two plane tickets to Washington, D.C. for an awards ceremony. The runners-up will have their artwork displayed prominently in one of my offices.

A complete list of rules and guidelines is available on my website at www.Wenstrup.House.gov/art.                                            
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1318 Longworth H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515
P: (202) 225-3164
F: (202) 225-1992
7954 Beechmont Ave, Suite 200
Cincinnati, OH 45255
P: (513) 474-7777
F: (513) 605-1377
170 North Main St.
Peebles, OH 45660
P: (513) 605-1380
F: (937) 798-4024
4350 Aicholtz Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45245
P: (513) 605-1389