Friday, January 13, 2017 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
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Worth Fighting For
As we begin the New Year, many of us have taken time to ponder the events of the year behind us – the terrorism searing our T.V. screens, the turmoil abroad, the bitter divisions here at home. With a tumultuous election behind us and a new administration ahead, the nation can feel like it is poised for positive change but also anxious with uncertainty. The stakes are high.

But, when times are tough and mettle is tested, we can draw the courage to mend our flaws and forge ahead from the patriots who have gone before us...

At times, the battle may be an uphill one. There will be challenges ahead and we will need all the grit, guts, and determination we can muster. But I enter 2017 with hope. Because of the simple truth, on which brave patriots throughout our history have willingly staked their lives: America was worth the fight then and it is worth the fight now.

You can read my full column here.

In your service, 

Regulatory Reform: Getting Government Out of the Way
Featured Cosponsorship
H.R. 367 - Hearing Protection Act

Featured Policy Letter
Ensure nominees' commitment to a full audit of the Defense Department

Have a bill or letter you would like me to support?
Let me know here.

More Ways to Connect
Did you know federal regulations impose an estimated $1.88 trillion burden on American families? That's according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute and equals about $15,000 per household. Families cannot afford this. It also makes it more difficult for our businesses to grow and compete, due to the thousands of pages of federal regulations that often require a legal team to understand. During the first two weeks of the 115th Congress, the House of Representatives has hit the ground running to cut these bureaucratic regulations and provide some real relief to employers:
  • Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act (H.R. 26) - Puts Congress and the American people back in charge by requiring that any major regulation proposed by an unelected bureaucrat must be voted on by your elected representatives.
  • Midnight Rules Relief Act (H.R. 21) - Streamlines the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to allow the incoming Congress to undo some of the tens of thousands of burdensome regulations that the current administration added - many in the last few months of the administration.
  • Regulatory Accountability Act (H.R. 5) - Requires agencies to choose the lowest-cost rulemaking alternative that meets statutory objects. It also requires greater opportunity for public input of regulations. This way, we can lower the cost burden on Americans and increase the opportunity to voice your opinion on federal regulations.
Polish Deputy Minister
I was honored to sit down with Polish Deputy Minister Szatkowski on his trip to the United States last week and discuss the intersection of our two countries' national security priorities. Poland is a key NATO ally and plays an important role in deterring Russian aggression and countering the Islamic State.  To see more behind-the-scenes photos, follow me on Facebook.

In the News
I recently participated in the Reagan National Defense Forum, where I was interviewed on various topics like military health care, Guantanamo, national intelligence, and the future of veterans' health care. You can read the full interview by Politico here on my website.  
I Stand with Israel

At the end of 2016, the administration abstained from voting on an anti-Israel U.N. resolution. This action was directly contrary to our historic friendship with the nation of Israel. Last week, the House passed H.Res. 11 with my support, which is a necessary step towards rectifying that wrong. You can read the rest of my statement here.

America's Road Team

Meet Scott Harrison, a K Limited Carriers truck driver from Cincinnati, who was named to the 2017 America's Road Team this week by the American Trucking Association. Scott has been a truck driver for over 30 years, and has accumulated 2.5 million miles of safe driving. We are lucky to have Scott as a leader in the Second District!

We've Moved
My new office is 2419 Rayburn. If you are traveling to Washington, D.C. and plan to visit my new office, make sure you head to the Rayburn House Office Building. Call if you need directions.

You can also schedule tours of D.C. and the U.S. Capitol here on my website.
If you are traveling to Washington, D.C., for the inauguration ceremony next week, please feel free to stop by my office. I would love to see you there!

Additionally, if you are coming to D.C., and you do not have tickets to the swearing-in ceremony, you can find more information about what to do in D.C., on my website here or visit the official site for a list of activities and events going on in our nation's capital during this historic weekend.

If you have any questions, please call my office at 202-225-3164.
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Washington, DC 20515
P: (202) 225-3164
F: (202) 225-1992
7954 Beechmont Ave, Suite 200
Cincinnati, OH 45255
P: (513) 474-7777
F: (513) 605-1377
170 North Main St.
Peebles, OH 45660
P: (513) 605-1380
F: (937) 798-4024
4350 Aicholtz Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45245
P: (513) 605-1389