Monday, September 26, 2016 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
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Charles Duncan Buried with Honor Act
This week, I introduced H.R. 6114, the Charles Duncan Buried with Honor Act, to bring some peace of mind to our veterans and their families. 

Under current law, if a veteran dies without the resources to pay for a casket, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will provide one, as long as the veteran is buried in a national cemetery. In Ohio’s Second District, for example, a veteran would need to be transported to the national cemetery in Dayton or to one in Kentucky. This restriction has caused heartache for many families in Southern and Southwest Ohio; it can mean their loved one must be buried far away, potentially preventing them from attending the funeral or regularly visiting the gravesite.

My bill would amend federal law to allow veterans buried in a casket purchased by the VA to have the option of internment at a state or tribal cemetery for which the VA has provided a grant. It would expand the internment options available to veterans in need, and it would increase their likelihood of being buried closer to their loved ones.

You can read more about the bill here
Legislative Recap
Here's a look at some of the bills we passed in the House of Representatives last week:
  • Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (H.R. 5587) - Many high school students are led to believe that in order to succeed and achieve the American dream, they must attend a four-year college or university. However, a four-year college may not be for everyone, and a technical or vocational school is just as valuable education and can lead to a successful future. This bill would reauthorize the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education (CTE) grant program, strengthen transparency, and enable states, local governments, and local businesses leaders to play larger roles in developing CTE programs that meet the needs of their communities.
  • H.R. 5351 - This legislation would halt all detainee transfers from Guantanamo Bay until January 1, 2017, or until the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act is signed into law. You can read my comments here.
  • REVIEW Act (H.R. 3438) - This bill would stop "high impact rules" - government regulations that could cost the economy $1 billion or more annually - from taking effect until all legal challenges have been settled. I believe we must do more to rein in regulatory red tape, but this commonsense bill is an important step in the right direction.
  • Improving Small Business Cyber Security Act (H.R. 5064) - This legislation would allow Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) to provide cyber support services to small businesses in line with cyber security guidelines created by the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Department of Homeland Security.

Featured Cosponsorship
Prohibiting Future Ransom Payments to Iran Act (H.R. 5931)

Featured Policy Letter
Letter Opposing Proposed Rule Designed to Prevent States from Redirecting Title X funds away from Planned Parenthood

Have a bill or letter you would like me to support?
Let me know here.

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Funding for Piketon
Last Thursday, the Senate Appropriations Committee released the text of a short term continuing resolution (CR) that would fund government operations until December 9. If enacted, the CR would provide funding to allow decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) work at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant to continue at the current pace, without job losses or delays.

This is an important step towards holding the federal government to its promise to the Piketon community, but it is just the beginning. I will continue working with the Ohio delegation and House leadership to ensure this provision is enacted into law, and that D&D operations receive the long-term funding they need to properly clean up and revitalize the Piketon site.
Friend of the Farm Bureau

Last weekend, the Highland County Farm Bureau and the Highland Soil and Water Conservation District hosted the third annual Highland County Farm Tour. During the Farm Tour, I was honored with the 'Friend of Farm Bureau' award for my work in Congress to support Ohio's agricultural community. It's my privilege to represent Ohio's hardworking farmers here in Washington, D.C.!                                                                   

Guardian of Small Business
Small businesses are the backbone of our communities and local economies, but they’re too often stifled by red tape from Washington, making it hard for them to grow and hire or even keep their doors open. I’m proud to represent the interests of the 2nd District’s small business owners in Congress, and I’m pleased to receive the "Guardian of Small Business" award from the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB).


A New Addition to Statuary Hall

National Statuary Hall has a new arrival. Last week, Ohio's Speaker of the House Cliff Rosenberger joined other Ohioans to unveil a new bronze statue of Thomas Edison in the U.S. Capitol. Mr. Edison's statue will join President James Garfield's statue to represent the Buckeye State here in Washington, D.C. 

Edison's statue will remind everyone who sees it of the life-changing contributions he made to our nation and to the world, and it will serve as a testament to the spirit of American ingenuity that we have here in Ohio.

You can learn more about the National Statuary Hall Collection here.

If you are interested in seeing the new Edison statue on a tour of the U.S. Capitol, please contact my office at 202-225-3164 or visit my website to plan your visit.
Interested in Attending a U.S. Service Academy?
As a Member of Congress, I have the privilege of nominating exceptional young people for admission to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy, and the Merchant Marine Academy. To be considered for a nomination to one of the United States Service Academies, you must apply to my office by September 30, 2016.    
Visit my website for more information on the application process. If you have any questions, please call my office at (513) 474-7777.
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