Friday, March 10, 2017 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:
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Listening to you is a big part of my job description as your representative. Not only that, but I also believe the best ideas for positive change in our country don’t come from Washington, they come from American citizens – from small business owners, veterans, teachers, and farmers. As Ronald Reagan once said, “All great change in America begins at the dinner table.”

So let’s have a conversation. If you would like to join upcoming telephone town halls, please sign up HERE

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback on some of the big issues facing Congress and our country. If you have any questions or concerns you'd like to express to me in the meantime, please don't hesitate to send me an email or give my office a call.   

In your service,

 American Health Care Act

As Obamacare continues to crumble and threatens to leave millions without care, the American people have tasked their lawmakers with replacing this disastrous healthcare law with a patient-centered system that expands choices, lowers costs, and increases access to care.

This bill is a critical first step in that process. This week, committees began work marking up the legislation in what will be an open process – in fact, both Democrats and Republicans have introduced dozens of amendments. If you can, I’d encourage you to watch the proceedings on both the House
Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce websites. As a doctor myself, access to quality care – not just an insurance card – is top priority to me.

I'll be carefully reviewing and weighing this bill as it gets marked up in the days ahead to make sure it puts patients first, and I look forward to continuing to hear feedback from folks across Ohio's Second District. Weigh in here.

Resourcing the U.S. Military
Featured Cosponsorship
VA Accountability First Act of 2017

Featured Policy Letter
Letter to HHS on Medicare Advantage

Have a bill or letter you would like me to support?
Let me know here.

More Ways to Connect
This week, the House of Representatives voted to pass the Fiscal Year 2017 Department of Defense budget. This bill provides funds for a host of critical national security needs, including:
  • Key readiness programs to prepare and train our troops.
  • Equipment and facility maintenance.
  • Research and development for defense technology.
  • Pay raise for service members.
  • Enhanced medical care for troops and their families.

The U.S. military has faced years of devastating cuts, leaving us with the smallest Army since before World War II, a Navy fleet among the smallest since World War I, and an Air Force whose top general has said that it may not be able to control the skies in a future conflict. Our country is sending men and women into harm's way to fight for our freedom, but we aren't fully preparing them.

You can read more about why I believe we need to invest in the future security and defense of our nation here.    

 Around the District

I connected with local leaders in Adams County to discuss closure concerns at DP&L, a local coal-fired power plant. For Southern Ohio to lose such a central economic force will impact our communities in a very personal way. We're continuing to keep in close touch with local and state officials on this matter; if there is anything my office may be able to assist with, please feel free to contact my office directly here. We're here to serve you.

 It was great meeting with and hearing from over 400 local farmers and members of the Highland County agriculture community at the "Ag is Everyone's Business" breakfast. Here in Ohio, agriculture is part of who we are as a state - it's also a driving force in our economy. As Congress hits the ground running to rein in federal regulations all around, we also have to start chipping away at burdensome farm regulations. Thanks Highland County Chamber of Commerce for hosting us!

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of meeting University of Cincinnati's new president, Dr. Neville Pinto. I look forward to the leadership and fresh ideas Dr. Pinto will bring to UC, which is such an important employer and educator of Ohio's Second District. Welcome to our community, President Pinto! Go Bearcats!

William Walker, a student at Fairfield High School in Leesburg, joined me for coffee last weekend. We had a great conversation about serving in the military, what I do to represent him in Congress, and what young people today can do to get involved in their community.

Hearing from Our Heroes

Ohio Veterans of Foreign Wars

Thank you to the Ohio Veterans of Foreign Wars for stopping by my office this week. They each have a unique story of their time serving their country overseas, but share the common goal of advocating for all American veterans. I always appreciate the opportunity to hear from them on their legislative priorities.    

American Legion

Thank you to the American Legion - Department of Ohio for a very productive conversation about veterans healthcare and improving VA disability benefits. As Chairman of the Veterans' Affairs Health Subcommittee, this is a top priority of mine. Grateful for these men and women.

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