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Wenstrup Renews Effort to Defund Obamacare, Keep Government Open

This Friday, the House of Representatives voted to keep the federal government open while defunding President Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA). If passed and signed into law, the resolution would fund the government through the end of 2013 while permanently defunding the ACA, also known as Obamacare. It also prioritizes debt interest payments, making it impossible for the government to default on federal debt.

Representative Brad Wenstrup, who voted for the legislation, cited his decades of experience as a physician and small business owner as reason for supporting the legislation.

“This bill is an important measure that keeps the government open while stopping Obamacare. It ensures stability at the federal level and fairness for all Americans under the law by defunding all parts of Obamacare, not just the for the President’s special interest friends,” Wenstrup said. “The Obama administration has delayed health care mandates for big business and insurance companies, yet still insists on forcing mandates on individual Ohioans when it’s clear Obamacare is not ready for primetime.”

Major employers have begun to drop health care coverage for employees and reduce employee hours ahead of Obamacare implementation. Wenstrup noted he is hearing from business owners across southern Ohio who are cutting back employee hours and forgoing expansion in order to comply with the President’s health care law while remaining in business.

“If President Obama’s goal is to create jobs and grow the economy, he must realize the uncertainty caused by Obamacare is the biggest impediment to a true recovery,” Wenstrup concluded. The legislation now moves to the Senate, which is expected to consider it next week.
