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Wenstrup Votes to Keep Govt. Open, Delay Obamacare One Year

The House of Representatives passes a second continuing resolution in a late night session

Two days ahead of a possible lapse in federal appropriations, Representative Brad Wenstrup and the House again passed legislation to keep the government funded and avoid any slowdown in federal activities. The House-passed continuing resolution included provisions to delay all parts of the Affordable Care Act, often called Obamacare, for one year as well as repealing a 2.3 percent tax on medical devices, which was enacted as part of Obamacare.

“Every day, Ohioans are witnessing more costly glitches and confusing delays as Obamacare is implemented. This is just fact.” Observing regulatory delays for businesses and hang-ups in required enrollment, Wenstrup continued “It is clear that a complete, one year delay will ensure that Ohioans do not suffer from the implementation of a poorly crafted law.”

Wenstrup, an Iraq war veteran and member of the House Armed Services and Veterans Affairs Committees, also noted that the House passed a separate bill to ensure service members would receive their paychecks if a broader budget agreement is not reached in time.

Previously, the House passed legislation to keep government operations running last week, but the Senate failed to pass a similar bill. Wenstrup noted that the House had gathered in a special Saturday session to act quickly and keep the government open, and “hoped the Senate would act likewise.” Efforts to keep the government open next move to the Senate.


Office of Representative Brad Wenstrup
