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Rep. Wenstrup: American Priorities Should Come First

Newsmax, By Sandy Fitzgerald

Americans deserve a government that put their priorities first, Ohio Republican Rep. Brad Wenstrup said in Saturday's GOP address, promising that Republicans are taking steps to help people get back to work.

"You deserve a government that doesn’t just ‘hear you,’ but actually listens to you and puts your priorities first —  that focuses on securing more jobs and a better future for our children," Wenstrup said. "This is what you can expect from the new Republican majority.”

Already, Republicans are focusing on jobs and the economy, said Wenstrup, pointing out that on Friday, the House voted to approve the Keystone XL pipeline project,  a step that will help bring jobs and lower energy costs.

"We ask President Obama and Senate Democrats to finally give this project the green light that the American people have been waiting for," Wenstrup said.
Further, he said, Republicans are working to pass the "Hire More Heroes Act" to encourage businesses to hire more veterans, and plan to take on Obamacare and ensure that Congress and not bureaucrats have the final say on any new major regulations.

But still, while President Barack Obama may have said "I hear you" when Republicans were voted in to take over the Senate, just the opposite is happening, said Wenstrup.
"On Monday, he proposed a new set of rules to regulate — of all things — the Internet, one of the few places innovation has thrived, even in a struggling economy," Wenstrup commented. "Then he agreed with the Chinese government on rules that continue his misguided crusade against affordable, reliable energy." 

The nation's economy needs "relief from the EPA’s grip, not more heavy-handed mandates that take away American jobs and squeeze middle-class families," said Wenstrup.

In addition, Obama plans to announce executive action on immigrant amnesty, even though Republicans have warned him that the action would make it more difficult to pass immigration reform.

Wenstrup also pointed out statements made by Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, who said that the law passed because Americans were "too stupid to know" what was going to happen.

"This is the same arrogance we’ve seen time and time again from this administration and its allies," said Wenstrup. "This is insulting to all of us."

But meanwhile, Wenstrup said, "They say one thing and do another They spend money we don’t have, with little to show for it but more debt and broken promises. And they stay off course, even when hardworking people are stuck earning less and paying more for just about everything."

Americans deserve better, and that's what they can expect from the new Republican majority, Wenstrup concluded.