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Wenstrup leads tour of Cincinnati VA

Cincinnati Enquirer

US. Rep. Brad Wenstrup accompanied a fellow House member Tuesday on a tour of the Cincinnati VA Medical Center and the two lawmakers said the rest of the veterans' health system could learn from the Corryville facility.

"There are things they are doing here that could be shared around the country," said Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Florida, chairman of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee. Miller added a stop in Cincinnati after he toured the Dayton VA hospital on Monday. Wenstrup and Miller toured the Cincinnati hospital to talk with physicians and veterans about the care delivered there.

Wenstrup, R-Columbia Tusculum, a physician, praised the Cincinnati hospital's efforts to address post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans. "If I'm surprised about anything, it's that areas of the country aren't doing what takes place here."

Local veteran Jim Hoff, who served in the U.S. Navy shortly after the end of World War II, buttonholed the two lawmakers after a brief news conference. Hoff said the Cincinnati VA diagnosed lymphoma in him last year and treated it immediately.

"If it weren't for this hospital, I wouldn't be alive today," Hoff said. "Too many times, the stories of bad things at the VA get out, but when good things happen, no one hears about it. But a good thing happened to me."