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Wenstrup outlines opposition to Iran deal

The Highland County Press

Following a robust roundtable discussion with local leaders from Jewish community organizations, Congressman Brad Wenstrup is reiterating his adamant opposition to the recently negotiated Iran Nuclear Agreement. The policy roundtable included input from local groups, including Jewish Community Relations Council, Agudath Israel of America, AJC Cincinnati, and AIPAC representatives.
“This deal puts Iran on a path towards nuclear breakout, and threatens the national security of America, our allies, and the stability of the region,” Congressman Wenstrup warned following the roundtable discussion. “Iran has proven untrustworthy dating back to 1979, and the stakes are too high to now acquiesce to a country that still chants ‘death to America’. There are better alternatives to the current deal that ensure we prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and reduce, rather than enhance, Iran's terrorist and ballistic capabilities. The statement by the administration that it is ‘this deal or war’ is false and naïve, and our discussion highlighted better alternatives."
“On balance we view the Iran deal as making the world more, rather than less, dangerous for the U.S. and its allies,” remarked Gary Greenberg, Vice President with the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati.

“AJC believes that the Iran deal, as negotiated, delays but does not stop Iran’s emergence as a nuclear threshold state, while giving it benefits that will likely make it an even more disruptive player regionally and internationally. As such, we are in direct contact with our elected officials—in Cincinnati and around the country—discussing our concerns about the ominous ramifications of the deal.  Knowing that there will still be a great deal of work to be done in Congress after the vote, we appreciate the thoughtful, ongoing dialogue we have with members of Congress like Rep. Wenstrup,” said Seth Schwartz with AJC.
“Nothing in the policies or conduct of the Iranian government provides any realistic basis for confidence that it will live up to its obligations under the agreement. Our constituents have encouraged members of Congress to reject this deal,” concluded A.D. Motzen, National Director of State Relations for Agudath Israel of America.
A vote on the Resolution of Disapproval on the Iran Nuclear Agreement in the House of Representatives is expected next week. President Obama has issued a veto threat on any legislation designed to block the Iran deal.

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