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VA Provider Equity Act Achieves Major Milestone

American Podiatric Medical Association

Bethesda, Maryland, September 17, 2015
Tags: Veterans

The VA Provider Equity Act (HR 3016) took a big step forward today when it was unanimously approved by the full House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. The APMA-driven legislation became the vehicle for roughly 30 other bills during today’s hearing, creating a new omnibus bill that addresses several VA issues. It is now up to the Speaker of the House to bring the bill to a vote in the House of Representatives.

The VA Provider Equity Act was introduced by Rep. Brad Wenstrup, DPM (R-OH), and five other members of the House earlier this summer. The legislation would recognize podiatrists serving in the Veterans Health Administration under the Physicians and Dentists authority. Podiatrists are currently recognized under archaic guidelines written in 1976. Podiatric education, training, and experience have changed dramatically since these guidelines were written, and legislation is required to update the guidelines to meet current standards.

The quick movement of this legislation through committee is a testament to APMA’s relentless work to correct the glaring discrepancy in the VA health-care system. APMA Young Physicians’ Program Director Nichol L. Salvo, DPM, testified before the House VA Subcommittee on Health about her time working within the VA system, and she and Ben Wallner, APMA associate director of Legislative Advocacy, have had numerous meetings on Capitol Hill. APMA continues to work tirelessly to move the bill forward and secure a sponsor for a companion bill in the Senate.

The bill has the support of several veteran service organizations, including Disabled American Veterans, American Legion, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Use APMA eAdvocacy to tell your House representative to support parity for podiatrists by becoming a cosponsor of HR 3016.

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