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Rep. Wenstrup supports American Security Against Foreign Enemies Act

The Highland County Press

The U.S. House of Representatives today passed legislation to impede the admission of Iraqi and Syrian refugees to the United States

The House overwhelmingly supported the American Security Against Foreign Enemies Act of 2015 (SAFE Act). The bill is an attempt to address national security issues following the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks in Paris for which ISIS has claimed responsibility.

The bill would require the secretary of Homeland Security, the head of the FBI and the CIA director to sign off on individual refugee from Iraq and Syria.

Forty-seven Democrats and all but two House Republicans voted for the bill.

The House legislation passed by a veto-proof 289-137.

Ohio Second District Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Cincinnati, voted in favor of the bill.

"There is a clear security risk that gives so many Americans pause,” Congressman Wenstrup said Thursday. “It is not a hate or fear of outsiders, as some have falsely ascribed, but a genuine recognition that ISIS is attempting to shift the battlefield."

Congressman Wenstrup told The Highland County Press Thursday that the House vote “draws attention to the need to do something and put a pause on this. Our national security comes first. We are far short of what we need to do.

“We need a total plan to destroy ISIS, not ‘contain’ them. We need to work in unison with free people around the world.”

The congressman said it was encouraging to see a large number of Democratic members of Congress vote in favor of the SAFE Act.

“The bipartisan support was good. We need security over politics.”

Congressman Wenstrup said he is hopeful that the bill has similar support in the Senate.

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