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Stivers, Wenstrup join call to halt Syrian refugees

Chillicothe Gazette

WASHINGTON - Both of the Scioto Valley’s U.S. representatives have joined the growing calls for the suspension of admitting Syrian refugees in the wake of last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris.

Rep. Steve Stivers, R-Upper Arlington, and Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Cincinnati, say admitting the refugees before they are fully vetted is a mistake. Both signed a letter that was sent to President Obama Wednesday calling for the immediate suspension of the program.

“The first priority must be protecting U.S. citizens from harm,” Stivers said. “Our country has a proud tradition of opening its arms to those in need, but we must stop the admission of refugees until we have assurances that the individuals pose no threat to Americans.”

The letter contained the signatures of 110 Members of Congress, including those from both the Republican and Democratic parties. It calls for a halt to the refugee process until a process can be created to identify “individuals who may pose a security threat” and an “extensive monitoring process for all relocated refugees” to help ensure safety for Americans.

The House may vote as soon as Thursday on a bill that would pause the resettlement of the refugees.

In his statement, Wenstrup said he believes it is “impossible to properly vet these individuals with any degree of confidence to permit resettlement in the United States.” He also believes the best course of action is “an established safe haven in their own region.”

Sen. Rob Portman has already joined the call for a suspension of the influx of refugees, while Sen. Sherrod Brown, in a conference call Wednesday, told reporters he wants a response “based on factor and not fear.”

Gov. John Kasich also asked the president not to accept refugees, while State Rep. Cliff Rosenberger, who is the House Speaker and represents part of Ross County, agreed with the governor’s stance.

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