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Wenstrup introduces resolution to recognize veterans

Chillicothe Gazette

CINCINNATI — U.S. Rep. Brad Wenstrup has introduced a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives to recognize and honor veterans who have also served as first responders and law enforcement officials in their communities.

Known as Dual Service Recognition Day, House Resolution 516 mirrors a similar effort passed in the Ohio legislature and is sponsored by State Rep. Terry Johnson.

“Many of our veterans have worn more than one uniform in service to our country and their community,” Wenstrup said. “It is particularly fitting for us to recognize these individuals who are twice the servant, placing themselves at risk to defend the United States in our armed services and sacrificing to protect and serve communities as a peace officer or first responder. Dual Service Recognition Day is a small effort to recognize those who run toward danger as part of their daily job.”

Wenstrup and Johnson will be touring southern Ohio on Tuesday and hosting Dual Service Recognition Day events in Cincinnati, Portsmouth and Columbus.

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