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Wenstrup Calls for Whistleblower Protections at Cincinnati VAMC

Washington, February 23, 2016 | Greg Brooks ((202) 225-3164)
Tags: Veterans

Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), who represents Cincinnati and serves on the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, called on the Department Veterans Affairs Secretary Bob McDonald to guarantee safeguards for recent whistleblowers who came forward from the Cincinnati VA Medical Center. Wenstrup, who had met previously with some of the whistleblowers to help address their concerns about hospital mismanagement, warns that it should be wrongdoers that are fired, not rank and file employees trying to better serve veterans.

In a letter delivered during a meeting Tuesday afternoon, Wenstrup asked for Secretary McDonald’s personal “assurance that these whistleblowers will be safe from any threat or retaliation, that their concerns will be taken seriously, and that those responsible for this misconduct will be held accountable for their actions.”

Wenstrup indicated that as the allegations are fully investigated and those responsible held to account, whistleblowers must not fear retribution from management within the VA. “When concerned employees did not want to go public or to the press about out of fear of retaliation, our office worked to ensure their concerns were thoroughly investigated through the oversight arm in the House of Representatives.”

The letter also asked Secretary McDonald to share any findings his office may have regarding misconduct at the Cincinnati facility prior to allegations being made public. “The VA must be upfront and transparent in this investigation to ensure we are able to implement effective reforms,” Wenstrup said.

A copy of the letter is available here.

Office of Representative Brad Wenstrup