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Action alert: fighting Ohio's human trafficking crisis


Did you know Ohio ranks fifth in the nation in human trafficking cases? Last year, 375 Ohio trafficking cases were reported from 1,352 calls to the national hotline, according to Polaris, a non-profit organization tracking trafficking in America and across the world.  

We’re taking action. Here in the House, we’ve passed 15 bills to fight human trafficking and advance a range of reforms to how our country combats child abuse and exploitation. Get the details here.

Today, our nation faces a myriad of challenges, many of which divide our country strictly along party lines. This issue is different. Washington can agree. We the people can agree. No human being should ever have to experience such heinous exploitation. We must stand and act – and we must do it together.

Yours in service,

P.S. I wrote an opinion piece on this topic, which was published in the Cincinnati Enquirer. Read here if you missed it.