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Opinion Pieces

We don't need Democrats' price controls to bring down drug prices

The mummified Build Back Better plan has arisen from the dead. If Democrats have their way, the federal government will get to mandate drug prices, and the public will have less access to cures and future medical innovations. If the Ghost of Build Back Better Past somehow gets enacted into law by Co...

Gun control is the wrong debate

There’s a prevailing myth that we can bring an end to mass shootings in America if only we banned AR-15s – or better yet, banned all semi-automatic guns as well. If only it were that simple. By the grace of God, protective firearms were present five years ago at the baseball field on June 14, 2017. ...

Nancy Pelosi's trip to Ukraine was a cover-up for partisan failure

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took a congressional delegation comprising entirely Democratic members to Ukraine , telling Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, “Your fight is a fight for everyone.” Pelosi then accepted several gifts, including a Ukrainian flag signed by Zelensky and female members of...

What a Republican-led healthy future looks like

The Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra is finally testifying before Congress this week. Republicans are eager to deliver him an important message: Americans’ health care is personal, and Democrats’ one-size-fits-all, “Washington knows best” approach is doing little to p...

The U.S. Must Honor Our Promises and Protect Afghan Partners

Mohammad spent most of the past 12 years working for the U.S. government in Afghanistan, first in the U.S. Embassy in Kabul and later as a DoD contractor. When his wife and family started receiving threats in 2010, he applied for a Special Immigrant Visa. Wrongful rejections and delays pushed Mohamm...

Freedom’s insurance policy

America’s defenses started out with lanterns in a church steeple and the now famous, “One if by land, two if by sea.” It started with a wildly outnumbered band of citizens facing off against the most powerful nation in the world at that time. It began with bloody feet and no boots at Valley Forge. I...

The whole world is watching

Moral high ground is earned – not inherited. For the United States to continue to merit global influence in conversations about human rights or in condemning human rights abuses, it is imperative that we first look to ourselves and our own borders. For years, politicians have described crossings at ...