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Opinion Pieces

Immigration Reform is Not Possible Without A Secure Border

This is the second installment of a four part series on border security. Part 1:A secure border is part of the fight against the opioid crisis Part 3: Border Security Is National Security Part 4: The Health Implications of an Unsecure Border “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” While I served in Ir...

Border Security is National Security

This is the third installment of a four part series on border security. Part 1:A secure border is part of the fight against the opioid crisis Part 2: Immigration Reform is Not Possible Without A Secure Border Part 4: The Health Implications of an Unsecure Border I never want to see another American ...

A secure border is part of the fight against the opioid crisis

This is the first installment of a four part series on border security. Part 2: Immigration Reform is Not Possible Without A Secure Border Part 3: Border Security Is National Security Part 4: The Health Implications of an Unsecure Border NOTE: This op-ed originally appeared in the Washington Examine...

The Health Implications of an Unsecure Border

This is the final installment of a four part series on border security. Part 1:A secure border is part of the fight against the opioid crisis Part 2: Immigration Reform is Not Possible Without A Secure Border Part 3: Border Security Is National Security What is coming through our borders is just as ...

Honoring Our Veterans With Our Actions

This opinion piece originally appeared on . You can read it here. I still remember the eerie serenity of home life after returning from the battlefield. I remember the strange lightness of walking around without body armor for the first time in months. That feeling of safety, of being s...

Americans are better off because of tax reform

This opinion piece originally appeared in the Cincinnati Enquirer. You can read it here. "Man, this is a really great jobs report," proclaimed Neil Irwin, New York Times' senior economic correspondent. He went on to write "this is the best time for the American labor market in at least 18 years and ...

Time to double down on opioid fight

This opinion piece originally appeared in the Cincinnati Enquirer. You can read it here. Congress recently passed one of the most significant pieces of legislation against a single drug crisis in the history of our country. It is now headed to the president's desk to be signed into law. This latest,...

Tax reform 2.0 is like a regular check-up for our healthy economy

This piece originally appeared in the Washington Examiner. You can read it here. As a doctor in Cincinnati, I advised my patients to see me regularly so that I could reliably monitor their progress. Like most doctors, I will tell you that regular checkups are the key to healthy living so we can stop...

School Suspensions, Innovative Solutions, and Democracy

Over recent years, I have seen our country become increasingly guilty of a bad habit. Thanks to today’s bloated bureaucracy, which is a far cry from the lean, limited government laid out in the Constitution, We the People have begun to look to government more and more for the answers to our country’...

Separating fact from fiction on tax reform

This piece originally appeared in the Cincinnati Enquirer. You can read it here. I met a young man who had been released from prison and had just re-entered the workforce. “For the first time in my life,” he told me, “I’m a taxpayer.” The pride in his voice was telling of a man who had just found an...