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Health Care

Opiate/heroin forum held at SSCC

Local, state and federal officials attended an opiate/heroin open forum held at the Southern State Community College auditorium Thursday, Jan. 28. The event was sponsored in part by the Highland County Drug Abuse Prevention Coalition; Paint Valley Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health (ADAMH) Se...

Public opiate, heroin forum Jan. 28 at SSCC

An epidemic that’s reportedly taking 6.5 Ohio lives a day, and way too many in Highland County, will be the topic of a public Opiate/Heroin Open Forum from 4-6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 28 at the Southern State Community College Auditorium in Hillsboro. “It will be a panel discussion to talk about the iss...

Congressional Doctors Press FDA for Biosimilar Labeling Rules

A dozen members of the House Doctors’ Caucus sent a letter to the Food and Drug Administration highlighting physician and patient concerns regarding labeling requirements for new biosimilar products. Five years after the passage of the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act (BPCIA) and nine...

U.S. House of Representatives Passes Bills to Fight Opioid Abuse

The first order of business for the House of Representatives, following an extended district work period, aimed at tackling the growing opioid epidemic across the country. Congressman Brad Wenstrup points to the pair of bipartisan bills that passed the House to tackle the growing problem in Ohio. Th...

U.S. House of Representatives passes bills to fight opioid abuse

The first order of business for the House of Representatives, following an extended district work period, aimed at tackling the growing opioid epidemic across the country. Congressman Brad Wenstrup points to the pair of bipartisan bills that passed the House to tackle the growing problem in Ohio. Th...

VA on board with OARRS

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Administration announced final integration with the state’s Ohio Automated Rx Reporting System (OARRS). The reporting system provides Ohio doctors access to patient prescription history, new VA participation provides a fuller picture of that history for...

Wenstrup Demands Congress Show Their Obamacare Exemption

As the United States Supreme Court weighed new challenges last week to President Obama’s health care law, Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) is pushing Congress to increase their own transparency under the law. His bill, the Show Your Exemption Act, would require members of Congress to publically dis...

ObamaCare Horror Stories from Ohio

Representative Brad Wenstrup (OH-2) joined other members of the Ohio delegation and released the following statement reacting to their constituents’ experiences with open enrollment and the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) downgrade of projected enrollees. They are encouraging constit...