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Budget & Spending

Wenstrup Statement on Vote for Government Funding Legislation

Representative Brad Wenstrup released the following statement on his vote for the federal funding legislation that passed the U.S. House of Representatives today: “The process continues to be broken, and I understand why so many are skeptical of big bills coming out of Congress. Seven years of a Whi...

Omnibus to include ACP and D&D funding

One hundred million dollars has been appropriated for the American Centrifuge Project (ACP) in an Omnibus Budget Bill currently being crafted in Washington D.C., according to Bryan Davis, Scioto County Commissioner. A Continuing Resolution (CR) was passed by federal lawmakers, funding government ope...

End the Export-Import Bank

The Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im) is a government agency that provides loans, loan guarantees and export credit insurance to foreign clients of some of America’s largest corporations. These benefits are backed by you, the American taxpayer. At the end of June, the Bank's charter expired, and while it'...

AFP Ohio thanks lawmakers for Export-Import Bank expiration

By Baylor Myers AFP Ohio Deputy State Director COMMENTARY – Today, the crony Export-Import Bank has expired and will no longer be funded. This is a huge victory for taxpayers across the country, but specifically those here in Ohio who made their voices heard against re-authorization of the corporate...

House Passes Budget Resolution

Following passage of the House of Representatives' budget resolution Wednesday evening, Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) made the following comment: “We’ve presented and passed a responsible budget blueprint for the American people and an indication of our priorities: addressing our staggering nati...

Myth vs. Facts about the CROmnibus

Setting the record straight when it comes to provisions within last month's government spending bill: Myth: The end-of-year funding (also called the CROmnibus) funded the president’s amnesty initiatives. Fact: False. In fact, Congress extended current-year funding for the Department of Homeland Secu...

U.S. Racks Up Smallest Deficit Since 2007

The U.S. last year racked up its smallest budget deficit since 2007, marking an economic shift of fortunes as President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans prepare to face off over legislative priorities this year. Capped off by a $2 billion surplus in December, the government ended the calen...

Why the Cromnibus is a Win

I’m hearing you in calls and emails to my office, and wanted to take a moment to further talk about my vote last week on the CRomnibus legislation. President Obama’s immigration action is an affront to our republic, and against the grain of our over 200 years of constitutional rule of law. We’ve got...