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House Passes Bill to Protect Against Cyberthreats

Today Rep. Brad Wenstrup voted in support of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. The bill would allow the federal government to share cyber threat intelligence with the private sector to better protect consumers.

“As Americans rely more than ever on the internet, from online banking to medical records, cyberattacks continue to grow in number and sophistication every day. We must equip our cybersecurity professionals in both the private and public sector with the tools to better identify and thwart dangerous cyberattacks, hacks, and network infiltrations. The Cyber Intelligence and Sharing Protection Act is a necessary measure to protect web users’ and private-sector information from foreign attacks originating in China, Iran, Russia, and other aggressors seeking to steal trade secrets and proprietary data.

I am especially encouraged that this bill has enormously enhanced privacy protections for personal data and personal information and does not provide any new authorities for the government to monitor private networks. Additionally, private-sector participation is completely voluntary. This bill is a strong step towards protecting internet users and promoting a free and vibrant internet.”