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Wenstrup: Obamacare Delays Must Fairly Apply to Both Businesses & Individuals

Following President Obama’s lead, the House of Representatives passed delays for two mandates established by the President’s health care law. H.R. 2667 and H.R. 2668 would delay both the employer and individual mandate enforcement deadlines by one year. Representative Brad Wenstrup voted in support of both bills.

“I am glad this administration has acknowledged that their signature piece of legislation is too complicated for businesses, but I also believe this delay must fairly apply to both businesses and individuals. All Ohioans need and deserve the same relief” Wenstrup said.

The Obama administration announced over the July 4th week that the employer mandate, requiring companies with over 50 employees to provide government-approved health care insurance for all workers over 29 hours a week, would be delayed one year. House Republicans voted to delay this mandate, as well as the mandate forcing individuals to purchase health insurance. Congressional Democrats split with President Obama, largely voting to maintain both mandates.

Speaking on the differences between the two delays, Wenstrup asked “Why do hardworking individuals not deserve relief from the hardships of Obamacare while businesses get a break? Realistically, a permanent delay through the full repeal of Obamacare and its mandates is the only workable solution. Ohioans deserve equality under the law and fairness for all.”