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Press Releases

Wenstrup Fights to Rein in Government Bureaucrats

In their continued efforts to rein in the growing power of federal bureaucrats, Representative Brad Wenstrup and the House of Representatives passed H.R. 367, the Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act.  Wenstrup was an early cosponsor of the bill and also cosponsored an amendment on the House floor during debate to protect jobs.

“This bill increases accountability for and transparency in the federal regulatory process by requiring Congress to approve all new major regulations. No longer will bureaucrats in the fourth branch of government go unchecked, and the Constitutional balance our Founders deliberately drafted will be restored,” Wenstrup said on the House floor.

Wenstrup continued, “I will continue fighting for a government that is smaller, more efficient, more streamlined, and more responsive to hardworking taxpayers of Ohio.”

The REINS Act is part of a series of bills passed this week to limit government overreach and misconduct. Other bills include the Keep IRS Off Your Health Care Act and the Stop Government Abuse Act. Provisions in these bills include a taxpayers’ bill of rights and limits on bonuses for government employees.


