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Real Solutions, Not More Empty Promises

Ohioans cannot afford $4 a gallon gas and over 7% unemployment


As I travel across southern Ohio and listen to Ohioans, the biggest concern that repeatedly comes up in conversations is uncertainty about the economy.
Discussing economic development in Highland County

Rising energy prices, high unemployment, and economic uncertainty leads many parents and grandparents to fear that the next generation will not have the same opportunities our generation has been blessed.

We need real solutions – not more empty promises that simply create more uncertainty for families and businesses.

This newsletter lists the bills I voted to pass or support. I hope it will help you understand what I am doing in Washington to create economic certainty for our families and businesses.

I am proud to represent the hardworking people of southern Ohio. Every day I am working to reduce the government burden on your life.

I also invite you to take a few moments to complete my online constituent survey. It will help me continue to serve as your voice in Washington.

And, as always, if there’s anything I can do to better serve you and your family, please do not hesitate to contact me at one of my office locations or online.

PS:  Make sure to follow me on Twitter and Facebook to stay up to date


An Energy Plan that Helps the Family Budget
Energy costs are often the biggest variable in our monthly budget. The House of Representatives is working towards smart solutions to domestically meet our energy needs in an environmentally responsible way. This summer, the House passed a number of bills to lower energy costs and secure North American energy independence.

Continued Funding at the Piketon Project (H.R. 2609)
Southern Ohio is home to America’s only domestically owned uranium enrichment project, providing important energy and national security. Recently, I supported H.R. 2609, a funding bill that would ensure research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) activities are completed on schedule and on budget.

Offshore Energy and Jobs Act (H.R. 2231)
Our nation has an abundance of natural energy sources, yet 85 percent of America’s coast is closed to development under the Obama Administration. Opening up a greater area for offshore drilling under H.R. 2231 has the potential to create 250,000 short-term, and over a million long-term, domestic jobs.

Northern Route Approval Act (H.R. 3)
I co-sponsored and voted for the Northern Route Approval Act, which, if the bill becomes law, clears the way to finally build the Keystone XL Pipeline after more than 1,700 days of delay from the Obama Administration. It’s a common sense step that will create over 13,000 jobs and bring in over 800,000 barrels of oil a day.

A “Farm Only” Farm Bill (H.R. 2642)
Farmers are America’s original small business owners, and their legacy of hard work was and is fundamental to the strength of our nation. For the first time in decades, the House passed a Farm Bill that focuses exclusively on

Visiting the Raines Farm in Adams County
agriculture issues. This common sense step runs against Washington politics as usual, working for the Ohio farmer instead of sticking with the status quo.
  • First “farm only” farm bill in decades
  • Repeals laws written during the Great Depression & WWII
  • Strengthens crop insurance while eliminating direct payments
  • Five years of certainty
  • Saves $20 billion over 10 years

Promoting Job Growth and Providing Economic Certainty
With regional unemployment rates well above the national average, it sometimes feels like Washington is leaving us behind. I am standing for hardworking Ohioans who play a central role in our 21st Century economy, eliminating the uncertainty that hampers job growth and ensuring that our workforce is equipped with the skills they need to succeed.

Delaying Obamacare’s Mandates on Businesses and Families (H.R. 2667 & 2668)
I recently voted for two bills that delay the unworkable Obamacare mandates placed on both businesses and individuals. In the long term, a permanent delay through the full repeal of Obamacare and its mandates is the only workable solution.

Improving Job Training while Reining in the Bureaucracy (H.R. 803)
This year I voted for the SKILLS Act, legislation that simplifies and streamlines job training. H.R. 803 eliminates arbitrary and bureaucratic roadblocks that prevent workers from accessing job training immediately, and helps ensure support is tailored to the specific needs of individual workers.

Path to Prosperity (H.Con.Res. 25)
I supported and helped pass the Path to Prosperity, a budget plan that would balance the budget over the next 10 years without raising taxes. A healthier economy and renewed job growth require a responsible plan to get our fiscal plan in order.