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Rep. Wenstrup Responds to President Obama’s Health Care Excuses

Administration Ignored Warnings with Health Care Law

Washington, DC, October 21, 2013 | Greg Brooks ((202) 225-3164)

Representative Brad Wenstrup, a physician of 26 years and combat surgeon with the Army Reserve, responded to President Obama’s Rose Garden address with the following statement:

“It’s about time President Obama began recognizing the countless problems with his health care law. As a doctor, I’ve been warning about the law’s shortcomings for years, but those warnings seem to have fallen on deaf ears in the White House while problems mount.

“My constituents were promised that if they liked their health insurance plan, they could keep it. Today, the President didn’t even acknowledge the hundreds of thousands of Americans who are losing their plans this very month. For an administration that promised to be the most transparent in history, Ohioans deserve real answers.”

Wenstrup represents Ohio’s Second Congressional District. He serves on the House Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs Committees. Before joining Congress in 2013, Wenstrup practiced as a physician for 26 years and has served as a combat surgeon in the Army Reserve for the last 15 years.



Office of Representative Brad Wenstrup