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Wenstrup Joins Colleagues on Vote to Release the Oversight Memo

WASHINGTON, D.C. – After the FBI Director himself reviewed the intelligence oversight memo, the House Intelligence Committee voted to release the memo publicly. The President now has five days to review the memo and if he does not object, the Committee will make the memo public.

Congressman Brad Wenstrup (OH-02) released the following statement after voting to release the intelligence oversight memo to the public:

“We took this vote due to the extraordinary information that has been collected about FISA processes and abuses and the public’s extraordinary right to know how their government is operating.  We adhered to House and Committee rules to release this memo. The information in this memo, if published, would not jeopardize national security.  The House Intelligence Committee has oversight on the behalf of all Americans.  If there is any wrongdoing, there must be subsequent reform.  We should proceed so we do not face this situation again, whether Democrat or Republican.  As well, the Committee voted to allow Democrats to make their memo available to all House members, which would follow the same procedures used for the Republican memo,” said Congressman Brad Wenstrup.