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Wenstrup: Congress Must Focus on Reopening and Rebuilding the American Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Congressman Brad Wenstrup (OH-02) delivered the following remarks in opposition to Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act: 

Click for  audio and  video of Congressman Wenstrup’s remarks.

“For the past two months, Ohioans have made countless sacrifices and stepped up to help each other in many, many ways. They flattened the curve, and now they want to get back to work – smartly and safely.


In the same vein, Americans need their Representatives here in this body to be back to work too. We should be working on legislative solutions that mark the First Phase – Phase One  of the recovery and reopening of the United States.


Much of this partisan bill has nothing to do with COVID-19 or the current crisis facing so many Americans. This bill sadly paints a vision for this nation that does not match our great history.


The situation we find ourselves in requires our best – from all of us. This bill fails that test.


Let’s make this our finest hour. Show what we can do, not what we can’t do.


I oppose this bill and with that I yield back.” 





With a price tag of over $3 trillion, H.R. 6800 passed the House with more bipartisan opposition than support. It was the first coronavirus relief bill that failed to consider input from both parties and contains billions of dollars in spending unrelated to COVID-19.

You can read the text here.



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