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Wenstrup Votes to Advance Defense Authorization Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Brad Wenstrup, D.P.M., (OH-02) released the following statement after voting for the FY 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA):

“One of our most important constitutional duties is to provide for the common defense, ensuring our military is equipped to defend us against adversaries big and small. This year’s NDAA, while far from perfect, includes many important provisions that invest in critical infrastructure, give our troops a well-deserved pay raise, and help us continue to rebuild our military. I expect the House and the Senate will work together to resolve some of the underlying issues with this NDAA, and I am proud to advance the bill along in the process,” said Congressman Wenstrup. “I’d also like to extend my gratitude to Ranking Member Mac Thornberry, whose years of leadership and service have done countless good for our men and women in uniform.”


Wenstrup also added, “We’ve learned the hard way from the COVID-19 outbreak that there are vulnerabilities in some of our nation’s key supply chains. I’m pleased that the House unanimously adopted two of my amendments that will help us pinpoint weaknesses in military medical supply chains, identify existing barriers, and give us the information we need to reduce our dependency on foreign adversaries.”


Highlights in the NDAA:

H.R. 6395, the William M. Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act includes:

  • The FY21 NDAA provides $740.5B for national defense discretionary programs, as requested by the President and consistent with the bipartisan budget agreement.
  • Provides our troops a 3% pay raise and supports their families with the pay and benefits they deserve.
  • Establishes the Indo-Pacific Deterrence Initiative to fund emergent technologies, support our allies, and deter China.
  • Provides DOD with the resources necessary to address COVID-19, including PPE, testing capabilities, and diagnostic testing.

The House unanimously adopted two amendments offered by Congressman Wenstrup.

Background on Wenstrup Amendment 392:
Section 712 of the NDAA requires the Secretary of Defense to produce a report that identifies vulnerabilities to all Department of defense drugs, vaccines, biological products, and critical supplies. Rep. Brad Wenstrup’s Amendment (#392) amends that report to also include:

  • An analysis of any existing barriers within our Federal regulatory regime to manufacturing these items in the United States and whether the raw materials necessary to make these items can be found in the United States; and
  • That the Defense Secretary identify any potential partner countries that the United States can work with to realign our manufacturing capabilities for drugs, biological products, vaccines, and critical medical supplies.

Background on Wenstrup Amendment 393:
The Joint Deployment Formulary (JDF) is a core list of pharmaceutical items that are required for theater-level care within the first 30 days of contingency operations. Of the items listed on the JDF, 310 have been deemed “critical.” Roughly 57 of those 310 are entirely foreign made.

Rep. Brad Wenstrup’s Amendment (#393) requires the Defense Secretary to consult with the heads of other relevant Federal agencies, such as the FDA, to submit a report that identifies

  • The active pharmaceutical ingredients of the materials listed on the JDF as well as the components of those ingredients;
  • The active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) of each item on the JDF as well as the components of the API;
  • The country of origin of the API, the components of the API, and the source materials;
  • A list of each manufacturer that is owned, in whole or in part, by a foreign entity;
  • Any barrier or limitations that may inhibit the ability of the Department of Defense (DoD) to procure these items, including any federal regulations or the raw material availability in the United States;
  • Any military partners and allies who could help manufacture these components and materials; and
  • An assessment of the steps the DoD currently takes to mitigate any shortages of the items listed on the JDF.
