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Wenstrup Statement on Democrat COVID Supplemental Spending Bill

Washington, October 1, 2020 | Chris Krepich (202-225-3164)
Today, Congressman Brad Wenstrup (OH-02) issued the following statement after voting against the House Democrats' retooled Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act:

“Unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi continues to play political games while Americans in need go without assistance. Rather than working in good faith with Republicans, she has rejected bipartisan cooperation and again pushed through a bill that includes too much spending and too many provisions unrelated to overcoming the COVID-19 outbreak and restoring our way of life. Congress still has time to provide relief to the American people, but it will require Democrats to meet Republicans in the middle,” said Congressman Wenstrup.

He also added: “In the meantime, Congress should immediately pass Congressman Steve Chabot’s legislation to allow businesses to access the over $100 billion remaining in Paycheck Protection Program. I’m proud to have signed Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler’s discharge petition to force a vote on this critical legislation and hope that Democrats will join our efforts."