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Wenstrup Leads Bipartisan Letter to President Biden Calling for Evacuation of All Americans and Allies

CINCINNATI — Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) led a bipartisan group of 36 House colleagues in writing to President Biden, urging him to commit to evacuating all Americans and Afghan partners, regardless of the arbitrary August 31st deadline:

“By honoring our promises to Afghan partners, we can send the message to U.S. citizens and local partners in other countries – where our servicemembers may one day find themselves engaged in life-or-death situations – that the United States is a reliable partner that stands by its people and partners in their time of need. We do not leave our people behind,“ the Members wrote. “Mr. President, we strongly urge you to commit to completing this evacuation, regardless of timeline. It’s the right thing to do.”

You can read the full letter here:


August 27, 2021

Dear Mr. President:

We mourn for the U.S. servicemembers killed in yesterday’s attack in Kabul. The thoughts and prayers of America are with their families. These servicemembers were engaged in a mission to save the lives of others, and we should never forget their service and sacrifice. As we grieve with the rest of America, we ask you to commit to evacuating U.S. citizens and Afghan partners out of Afghanistan, regardless of the August 31st deadline. Today of all days, we recognize this operation is not without risk, but we believe it is both a moral and national security imperative to see this evacuation to completion.

For nearly 20 years, hundreds of thousands of Americans have served in Afghanistan. For many servicemembers and veterans, they wouldn’t have been able to complete the mission or come home safely without the service and sacrifice of our Afghan partners. These partners now face threats from the Taliban because they served alongside American forces and protected us over the last two decades. We have the strongest military in the world, and we must bring these resources to bear to ensure the safety of U.S. citizens and Afghan partners.

This is not a partisan issue. Over the last few months, Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have joined together to ensure the U.S. fulfills its moral obligation to our people and Afghan partners. Over the last month, groups of veterans, refugee resettlement organizations, and ordinary citizens have mobilized to aid the evacuation and relocation of Afghan partners under threat. This is a testament to the broad support across the country for seeing this evacuation through.

By honoring our promises to Afghan partners, we can send the message to U.S. citizens and local partners in other countries – where our servicemembers may one day find themselves engaged in life-or-death situations – that the United States is a reliable partner that stands by its people and partners in their time of need. We do not leave our people behind.

Mr. President, we strongly urge you to commit to completing this evacuation, regardless of timeline. It’s the right thing to do.


Brad Wenstrup
Member of Congress

Jason Crow
Member of Congress

Tom McClintock
Member of Congress

Brian Fitzpatrick
Member of Congress

Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D.
Member of Congress

Bob Gibbs
Member of Congress

James R. Baird
Member of Congress

Earl Blumenauer
Member of Congress

Mike Thompson
Member of Congress

Melanie Stansbury
Member of Congress

Warren Davidson
Member of Congress

Carolyn Bourdeaux
Member of Congress

Gerald E. Connolly
Member of Congress

Jim Cooper
Member of Congress

Ami Bera, M.D.
Member of Congress

Stephanie Bice
Member of Congress

Michael Guest
Member of Congress

Kim Schrier, M.D.
Member of Congress

Tracey Mann
Member of Congress

Beth Van Duyne
Member of Congress

Rick Crawford
Member of Congress

Ben Cline
Member of Congress

Tom Malinowski
Member of Congress

Mike Bost
Member of Congress

Bradley S. Schneider
Member of Congress

Grace Meng
Member of Congress

Michael Waltz
Member of Congress

Randy K. Weber
Member of Congress

Chris Stewart
Member of Congress

Louie Gohmert
Member of Congress

Dan Newhouse
Member of Congress

Jamie Raskin
Member of Congress

Peter Welch
Member of Congress

Earl L. “Buddy” Carter
Member of Congress

Andrew S. Clyde
Member of Congress

Vern Buchanan
Member of Congress

Don Young
Member of Congress