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Reps. Wenstrup & Ferguson Introduce American Made Medicine Act

WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Brad Wenstrup, D.P.M. (R-Ohio) and Congressman Drew Ferguson, D.M.D. (R-Ga.) introduced the American Made Medicine Act, legislation that would help secure America’s medical supply chains and create good, high-paying jobs in the United States in this critical sector.

"We never should have gotten to a place where we are reliant on China and other strategic adversaries for our nation’s PPE, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed these critical vulnerabilities in America’s medical supply chains," said Congressman Wenstrup. "America can and should continue to be the world’s leader in medical innovation and advanced medical manufacturing. I’m proud to introduce this legislation with Rep. Ferguson, which supports the creation of new medical manufacturing jobs in the United States while also helping to create a stable domestic supply of critical drugs and medical supplies that are crucial to the health and safety of American patients."

“America should be the world leader in innovative and cutting-edge medical manufacturing,” Congressman Ferguson said“In the interest of national security and pandemic preparedness, I am proud to join Congressman Wenstrup in introducing the American Made Medicine Act. This important legislation will enhance U.S. based pharmaceutical and medical manufacturing as we work to restore American competitiveness with China and on the world stage. Incentivizing domestic production will not only support good, high-paying U.S. jobs, it will also reverse our reliance on foreign manufacturing. Further, I’m pleased that this bill will invest in a rust belt revitalization by rehabilitating existing manufacturing facilities and equipment to meet today’s regulatory standards.”

How the bill works:

1. Domestic Medical and Drug Manufacturing Tax Credit

  • Lowers tax rate on the income attributable to the domestic manufacturing and sales of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and medical countermeasures, to include nitrile gloves.
  • The credit is limited by the wages allocable to the domestic production, which supports good high-paying jobs in the United States.

2. Advanced Medical Manufacturing Equipment Credit

  • 30% investment tax credit that phases out over 10 years for investments in advanced manufacturing equipment or machinery used in the U.S. to manufacture drugs, medical devices, or biological products.
  • Advanced manufacturing can enable U.S.-based pharmaceutical manufacturing to regain its competitiveness with China and other foreign countries.
  • Advanced manufacturing uses processes that depend on the coordination of information, automation, computation, software, sensing, and networking, and makes use of cutting-edge materials and emerging scientific capabilities.

3. Medical Manufacturing EPA Compliance Credit

  • 30% investment tax credit that phases out over 10 years for investments in equipment/property that is used to meet emissions standards under the Clean Air Act or the Clean Water Act.
