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Vote Record

Date Roll Call # Bill Question Vote Bill Name
500 H.Amdt. 398 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 134 printed in House Report 115-297 to restore funding to worker protection agencies, offset with DOL/HHS/ED program administration funds.
499 H.Amdt. 396 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 131 printed in House Report 115-297 to increase funding for Youth Employment Activities by $10 million and reduces Department of Labor Salaries and Expenses by the same amount.
498 H.Amdt. 390 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 125 printed in House Report 115-297 to require that localities receiving State Criminal Alien Assistance Program funds comply with federal immigration law.
497 H.Amdt. 389 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 124 printed in House Report 115-297 to state that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to implement, administer, or enforce Executive Order No. 13547 (75 Fed. Reg. 43023, relating to the stewardship of oceans, coasts, and the Great Lakes), including the National Ocean Policy developed under such Executive Order.
496 H.Amdt. 385 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 117 printed in House Report 115-297 to prohibit the Federal Bureau of Prisons from requiring individuals in halfway houses or on home confinement to pay a subsistence fee.
495 H.Amdt. 383 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 113 printed in House Report 115-297 to strike section prohibiting the EEOC from using funds to implement pay data collection.
494 H.Amdt. 378 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 105 printed in House Report 115-297 to reduce the funding level for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives by five percent.
493 H.Amdt. 374 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 87 printed in House Report 115-297 to increase funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership program which is offset by a reduction in funding for the General Administration Salaries and Expenses of the Department of Justice.
492 H.Amdt. 372 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 77 printed in House Report 115-297 to reduce total appropriations to the Environmental Protection Agency by $1,869,087,000.
491 H.Amdt. 371 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 76 printed in House Report 115-297 to prohibit the use of funds to pursue any extra-legal ways to transfer Federal lands to private owners in contravention of existing law.
490 H.Amdt. 370 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 75 printed in House Report 115-297 to prohibit funds from being used to support the closure or consolidation of any regional office of the Environmental Protection Agency.
489 H.Amdt. 369 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 74 printed in House Report 115-297 to prohibit funds for implementing the Obama Administration's Social Cost of Carbon rule.
488 H.Amdt. 368 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 73 printed in House Report 115-297 to prohibit funds for enforcing the Obama Administration's EPA methane rule.
487 H.Res. 513 On the Resolution Aye Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3697) to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act with respect to aliens associated with criminal gangs, and for other purposes, and providing for proceedings during the period from September 15, 2017, through September 22, 2017.
486 H.Res. 513 On Ordering the Previous Question Yea Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3697) to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act with respect to aliens associated with criminal gangs, and for other purposes, and providing for proceedings during the period from September 15, 2017, through September 22, 2017.
485 H.R. 2611 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Yea Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site Boundary Modification Act
484 H.Amdt. 361 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 63 printed in House Report 115-297 to prevent funds from being used to implement the Bureau of Land Management's "Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties,and Resource Conservation" rule.
483 H.Amdt. 358 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 57 printed in House Report 115-297 to state that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to process any application under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) for a permit to drill or a permit to modify, that would authorize use of hydraulic fracturing or acid well stimulation treatment in the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf.
482 H.Amdt. 357 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 56 printed in House Report 115-297 to ensure that none of the funds made available by this Act may be used for the Environmental Protection Agency's Criminal Enforcement Division.
481 H.Amdt. 356 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 55 printed in House Report 115-297 to call for 1% cuts across the board.