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Vote Record

Date Roll Call # Bill Question Vote Bill Name
300 H.R. 2292 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Yea To extend a project of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission involving the Cannonsville Dam.
299 H.R. 10 On Passage of the Bill Yea Financial CHOICE Act of 2017
298 H.Amdt. 133 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 6 printed in Part B of House Report 115-163 to require the GSA to study CLEA's real estate needs due to changes in the Agency's structure. It then authorizes the GSA to sell the current CLEA building if CLEA's real estate needs have changed and there is no government department or agency that can utilize the building.
297 H.Amdt. 131 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 4 printed in Part B of House Report 115-163 to allow Mutual Holding Companies (MHCs) to waive the receipt of dividends.
296 H.Amdt. 129 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 2 printed in Part B of House Report 115-163 to allow closed-end funds that are listed on a national securities exchange, and that meet certain requirements to be considered `well-known seasoned issuers' or `WKSIs'.
295 H.Amdt. 128 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 1 printed in Part B of House Report 115-163 to revise provisions subjecting certain FDIC and NCUA functions to congressional appropriations, relating to appointments of positions created by the Act, and providing congressional access to non-public FSOC information.
294 H.R. 2213 On Passage of the Bill Aye Anti-Border Corruption Reauthorization Act of 2017
293 H.Amdt. 127 On the Amendment Nay An amendment numbered 1 printed in House Report 115-162 to prohibit the bill from going into effect until 1) the CBP completes its evaluation and pilot program of the Test for Espionage, Sabotage, and Corruption (TES-C) which is then certified by the DHS Inspector General and reported to Congress and 2) the DHS Inspector General completes a risk assessment of the population that could receive waivers and certifies to Congress that providing waivers to these individuals would not endanger national security, undermine workforce integrity, or increase corruption in the agency.
292 MOTION Table Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair Yea
291 H.Res. 375 On the Resolution Yea Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 10) to create hope and opportunity for investors, consumers, and entrepreneurs by ending bailouts and Too Big to Fail, holding Washington and Wall Street accountable, eliminating red tape to increase access to capital and credit, and repealing the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act that make America less prosperous, less stable, and less free, and for other purposes.
290 H.Res. 375 On Ordering the Previous Question Yea Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 10) to create hope and opportunity for investors, consumers, and entrepreneurs by ending bailouts and Too Big to Fail, holding Washington and Wall Street accountable, eliminating red tape to increase access to capital and credit, and repealing the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act that make America less prosperous, less stable, and less free, and for other purposes.
289 H.Res. 374 On the Resolution Aye Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2213) to amend the Anti-Border Corruption Act of 2010 to authorize certain polygraph waiver authority, and for other purposes.
288 H.Res. 374 On Ordering the Previous Question Yea Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2213) to amend the Anti-Border Corruption Act of 2010 to authorize certain polygraph waiver authority, and for other purposes.
287 H.Res. 355 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended Yea Condemning in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in Manchester, United Kingdom, on May 22, 2017, and in London, United Kingdom, on June 3, 2017, expressing heartfelt condolences, and reaffirming unwavering support for the special relationship between our peoples and nations in the wake of these attacks.
286 H.Res. 354 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended Yea Condemning the violence against peaceful protesters outside the Turkish Ambassador's residence on May 16, 2017, and calling for the perpetrators to be brought to justice and measures to be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future.
285 H.R. 1973 On Passage of the Bill Yea Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse Act of 2017
284 H.R. 1761 On Passage of the Bill Aye Protecting Against Child Exploitation Act of 2017
283 H.Amdt. 124 On the Amendment Nay An amendment numbered 1 printed in part B of House Report 115-152 to ensure minors are not punished as sex offenders.
282 H.R. 953 On Passage of the Bill Aye Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2017
281 H.R. 953 On the Motion to Recommit No Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2017