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Vote Record

Date Roll Call # Bill Question Vote Bill Name
60 H.R. 423 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Yea Anti-Spoofing Act of 2017
59 S. 84 On Passage of the Bill Aye A bill to provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within seven years of relief from active duty as a regular commissioned officer of the Armed Forces.
58 S.Con.Res. 3 On the Resolution Yea A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026.
57 H.Amdt. 44 On the Amendment No An amendment printed in House Report 115-4 to strike all after the resolving clause and insert a complete new text.
56 H.Res. 48 On the Resolution Aye Providing for consideration of the concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 3) setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026, and providing for consideration of the bill (S. 84) to provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within seven years of relief from active duty as a regular commissioned officer of the Armed Forces.
55 H.Res. 48 On Ordering the Previous Question Yea Providing for consideration of the concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 3) setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026, and providing for consideration of the bill (S. 84) to provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within seven years of relief from active duty as a regular commissioned officer of the Armed Forces.
54 H.R. 238 On Passage of the Bill Yea Commodity End-User Relief Act
53 H.R. 238 On the Motion to Recommit No Commodity End-User Relief Act
52 H.Amdt. 34 On the Amendment Aye An amendment numbered 4 printed in Part B of House Report 115-3 to make clear Congress's intent that the Commission may impose and implement position limits as it finds necessary, provided the Commission makes a finding prior to imposing such limits. It makes no changes to the longstanding federal position limits regime for the enumerated agricultural commodities or the existing statutory requirements that Designated Contract Markets impose position limits or accountability levels on all contracts.
51 H.R. 78 On Passage of the Bill Aye SEC Regulatory Accountability Act
50 H.R. 78 On the Motion to Recommit No SEC Regulatory Accountability Act
49 H.Amdt. 43 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 5 printed in Part A of House Report 115-3 to require the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission to be trained on ethical standards and codes of conduct to ensure all regulations enacted are not done so with a conflict of interest, specifically regarding prior employment and legal representation of too-big-to-fail banks.
48 H.Amdt. 42 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 4 printed in Part A of House Report 115-3 to require the Chairman of the SEC and his immediate family to divest from too-big-to-fail banks.
47 H.Amdt. 41 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 3 printed in Part A of House Report 115-3 to exempt regulations promulgated to maintain or support U.S. financial stability or prevent or reduce systemic risk.
46 H.Amdt. 39 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 1 printed in Part A of House Report 115-3 to require the SEC to identify, analyze and address potential conflicts of interest related to its rulemakings.
45 H.R. 5 On Passage of the Bill Yea Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017
44 H.R. 5 On the Motion to Recommit No Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017
43 H.Amdt. 29 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 14 printed in House Report 115-2 to strike language that would require the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management to perform regulatory flexibility analyses for forest and land management plans.
42 H.Amdt. 28 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 13 printed in House Report 115-2 to ensure that any rules made under the "Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act" are exempted from this act.
41 H.Amdt. 27 On the Amendment No An amendment numbered 12 printed in House Report 115-2 to exempt from the bill a rule which pertains to workplace health and safety and that is necessary to prevent or reduce the incidence of traumatic injury, cancer or irreversible lung disease at mining facilities which are subject to the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (30 USC 801, et seq) or workplaces which are subject to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (29 USC 651 et seq).