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Wenstrup Supports “No Budget, No Pay”

For Immediate Release                                                                              Contact:  Derek Harley

January 23, 2013                                                                                                   202.225.3164

Representative Brad Wenstrup released the following statement today on the “No Budget, No Pay” Act:             

“As a result of out-of-control spending and borrowing that occurred under both parties before I came to Congress, America is facing a debt crisis that threatens our security and prosperity.  There is nothing noble about continuing to borrow and spend at the expense of our children and grandchildren.

In each of the last two years, House Republicans proposed solutions to this crisis that would balance our budget.  Yet, for nearly four years – 1,300+ days – the Senate has failed to even pass a budget.   We cannot control spending if the Senate will not fulfill this basic constitutional duty.

Today, the House passed the “No Budget, No Pay” Act that extends the debt ceiling for three months without new spending allowances, and requires the Senate to pass a budget while allowing time for them to do so.  If either the House or Senate fail to pass a budget, their pay will be withheld.  Simply put, “no budget, no pay.”

While not the final solution by any means, this bill moves the national debate to where it needs to be – on spending and the need to cut it, and on the Senate and its failure to act.  To rally the American people to the cause of balancing our budget, we must move the debate to those issues on which most Americans agree.”


Office of Representative Brad Wenstrup