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Promoting Ohio's Drug Court Pilot Program

In Ohio, we are battling a growing drug epidemic. I understand Scioto County has implemented a successful pilot program that requires drug courts, treatment providers, and prescribers to work together in rehabilitating and reintegrating non-violent drug offenders. In order to reduce recidivism and break the cycle of drugs and crime, I recently joined a letter with Representatives from across Ohio asking the Department of Justice to work with us on confronting the drug epidemic facing our communities. 


Ohio U.S. House delegation to Attorney General: Make our drug court pilot program national
By: Jessica Wehrman
The Columbus Dispatch - February 12, 2014 1:02 PM

Ohio’s U.S. House delegation wants to meet with Attorney General Eric Holder in hopes of convincing him to expand Ohio’s Drug Court Pilot Program nationwide.

In a letter signed by every Ohio U.S. representative except House Speaker John Boehner, who rarely signs such letters, the group touted the efforts of the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services’ five-county drug court pilot program. The program created collaboration among drug courts, treatment providers and prescribers in hopes of addressing the opiate addiction epidemic. The group argues that the comprehensive approach to addressing addiction has been effective at fighting the problem.

“Our response to this crisis must include treatment of the underlying drug addiction that leads to recidivism, not to simply and routinely incarcerate the same individuals for the same crimes,” the group wrote.

Rep. Steve Stivers, R-Upper Arlington, led the delegation letter. He argues that Ohio’s pilot program is worth authorizing on a national level, and uses “creative solutions” to address the opiate epidemic.

Read the full letter: